[词语]to pull the carpet/rug(out)from under sb./sth.
[趣释]【物事喻指】地毯(carpet/rug)是铺在地上或台阶的毯子。它是西方国家人民常见的生活用品,起着装饰和美化环境的作用。如果突然抽走地毯,就使立在其上的人失去平衡而摔跤。于是,人们就用“把某人脚下的地毯抽走”(to pull the carpet/rug(out)from under sb./sth.)来喻指某人突然感到双腿不听使唤而站立不稳,或突然停止支持某人或某事、中途拆某人或某事的台、打乱或挫败某人或某事的计划。
[运用]I wanted to buy a house, but the company I worked for pulled the carpet out from under me by dismissing me from my job. 我想买房,可我供职的公司却拆我的台,把我解雇了。
I felt myself falling to the ground as if someone had pulled the carpet out from under me. 我突然感到两腿发软,跌倒在地。
Bill thought he would be elected, but his friend pulled the rug out from under him and voted for somebody else. 比尔以为他会当选,但是他的朋友拆了他的台,投了别人的票。
We were planning a vacation, but the baby's illness pulled the rug out from under us. 我们本来计划做一次旅行度假,但是孩子的病破坏了我们的计划。