[词语]to drive sb. to the wall
to force sb. to the wall
to push sb. to the wall
[趣释]【经典喻指】成语“把某人挤到墙边”(to drive sb. to the wall)源出英国剧作家威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的剧作《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and Juliet)。罗密欧与朱丽叶在本应该享受爱情和纯洁快乐的年龄,却因家族的仇恨牺牲了各自年轻的生命。在该剧第一幕第一场维洛那(Verona)广场上,凯普莱特(Capulet)的仆人山普孙(Sampson)和葛莱古里(Gregory)持剑和盾牌,他们大谈勇敢和尊重,山普孙说:“……见了蒙太古家里来人,是男人我就把他们从墙边推出去,是女人我就把她们朝着墙推过去。”(…therefore, I'll push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.)成语thrust sb. to the wall,现改用drive sb. to the wall,直译“把某人挤到墙边”,喻指逼得某人走投无路,把人逼入困境。
[运用]The price war instituted by our competitor finally drove our small company to the wall. 我们对手的价格战,使得我们这个小公司走投无路。
Jack failed in the last test, and it drove him to the wall. 杰克最后一次考试不及格,他已经没办法补救了。
When he was pushed to the wall, his romantic streak surfaced. 当他被逼入困境时,他略带浪漫色彩的气质就会表现出来。
If she was forced to the wall in a crisis, she would be a marvellous person. 如果在危难中她被逼入绝境,她一定会显出是个不平凡的人。