6.6 Coverage Partition Design for RNC,LAC and RAC
6.6.1 RNC partition shall abide by the following principles:
1 Node B controlled by each RNC shall be concentrated geographically to avoid cross distribution with Node Bs controlled by other RNCs;
2 Traffic and signaling loads shall be considered jointly to plan reasonably the RNC jurisdiction area to maintain to the best extant of a balanced distribution of the number of cells and traffic;
3 Handover areas between RNCs shall not coincide with subscriber concentration and traffic active areas;
4 When GSM and WCDMA share the same CN,the RNC partition shall be set according to the BSC zoning situation to maintain a high successful handover rate;
5 Partial redundancy of RNC at trunk interface shall be installed for processing performance and future capacity growth.
6.6.2 LAC and RAC partition shall abide by the following principles:
1 Partition shall be done by subscribers geographical distribution and behavior;
2 LAC and RAC bordering shall not be placed in high-traffic areas;
3 LAC location deployment shall be by traffic,and that of RAC shall be by data throughput;
4 At the initial network construction stage,LAC/RAC zoning shall be by RNC deployment,and shall change to finer partition as traffic increases;
5 LAC and RAC locations may be assigned to the same area during the initial network construction stage,and adjusted accordingly by the actual load of paging signal channel after the network going online.