6.5 Antenna and Feeder Engineering Design
6.5.1 Node B antenna selection shall abide by the following principles:
1 Reasonable antenna HPBW(Half-Power Beamwidth)and gain shall be determined by quantity,traffic density and coverage demand of the Node B sector.
2 In urban areas,preset electric downtilt antenna with dual-polarization should be used,and in suburban and rural areas,the preset electric downtilt antenna(dual-polarity or space-division antennae)should be used.For remote regions,space diversity antenna should be considered.
6.5.2 Node B antenna elevation shall abide by the following principles:
1 Determination of antenna elevation shall be based on a comprehensive consideration of such factors as building height,site distance and interference environment of the coverage area.
2 In dense urban areas,the antenna elevation shall be determined to cover reasonably the target area to avoid coverage overlap.
6.5.3 The directional angle and downtilt angle shall be determined according to the target traffic area of the serviced cell,with due consideration given to the influence of terrain or buildings,reducing interference with other BSs and reasonably controlling the handover zone.
6.5.4 By the distance between the Node B equipment and antenna,under practical construction feasibility,low-loss and economical feeder shall be used.