Abstract:KKV and TTC are two of the most influential methodological works on qualitative research in the American social sciences in the past 30 years. KKV attempts to integrate qualitative research into the framework of mainstream quantitative research. While this work has got high praise from quantitative researchers,it has not been accepted by qualitative researchers. TTC disagrees with KKV's argument and it proposes that quantitative and qualitative research are two different cultures. While this argument has been highly praised by many qualitative researchers,it has failed to win the consent of quantitative researchers. This paper argues that, as sociological researchers in China, when looking at the methodological history from KKV to TTC, we need to recognize that KKV and TTC are two branches of the same philosophy of social science,and that their commonality reflects the limitations of mainstream American social science, while their divergence implicates a lot.
Key words: KKV; TTC; Methodology; Qualitative Research
美国社会科学界近30年来最有影响力的方法论著作有两本:其一是加里·金(Gary King)、罗伯特·基欧汉(Robert O. Keohane)和悉尼·维巴(Sidney Verba)三人所写的《社会科学的研究设计:质性研究中的科学推论》(简称KKV);另一本是加里·格尔茨(Gary Goertz)和詹姆斯·马奥尼(James Mahoney)所写的《两种传承:社会科学中的定性与定量研究》(简称TTC)[2]。KKV初版于1994年,该书出版后得到了美国社会科学界的广泛好评,被人们誉为“所有社科研究者的必读”“社会科学研究方法的圣经”。TTC出版于2012年,该书对KKV的观点进行了全面系统的挑战,近几年来也备受学界热议。