CGS A Companion to Greek Studies,edited by L. Whibley,4th edition,revised,New York,1963.
CH A Companion to Homer,edited by A. J. B. Wace and F. H. Stubbings,New York,1963.
CHO A Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey,in 3 volumes,Oxford,1988—1992. Volume I(1988),edited by A. Heubeck,S. West and J. B. Hainsworth;volume II(1989),edited by A. Heubeck and A. Hoekstra;volume III(1992),edited by J. Russo,M. Fernández-Galiano and A. Heubeck.
DCA A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities,compiled by O. Seyffert,revised and edited by H. Nettleship and J. E. Sandys,New York,1959.
DELG Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque,compiled by P. Chantraine,Paris,1968—1980.
EDEL An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language,compiled by W. W. Skeat,1st edition 1879—1882,Oxford,impression of 1953.
ETD European Theories of Drama,edited by B. H. Clark,revised by H. Popkin,New York,6th printing,1972.
FGH Fragmente der griechischen Historiker,edited by F. Jacoby,Berlin and Leiden,1923—1958.
GEL A Greek-English Lexicon,compiled by H. G. Liddell and R. Scott,revised by H. S. Jones,Oxford,9th edition,reprinted 1951.
GH Grammaire homérique,edited by P. Chantraine,in 2 volumes,3rd edition,Paris,1958—1963.
HD A Homeric Dictionary,edited by G. Autenrieth,translated by R. P. Keep,revised by I. Flagg,Norman and London,9th printing,1987.
HO Homer’s Odyssey(a companion to the translation of Richmond Lattimore),edited by P. V. Jones,Carbondale and Edwarsville,1988.
IC The Iliad:A Commentary,in 6 volumes,Cambridge,1985—1993. Volume I(1985),edited by G. S. Kirk;volume II(1990),edited by G. S. Kirk;volume III(1993),edited by J. B. Hainsworth;volume IV(1992),edited by R. Janko;volume V(1991),edited by M. W. Edwards;volume VI(1993),edited by N. Richardson.
LfgrE Lexicon des frühgriechischen Epos,edited by B. Snell and H. Erbse,Göttingen,1955.
LHD A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect,compiled by R. J. Cunliffe,Norman,1980.
NCH A New Companion to Homer,edited by I. Morris and B. Powell,Leiden,New York and Köln,1997.
NCO A Narratological Commentary on the Odyssey,edited by I. J. F. de Jong,Cambridge,2001.
OCD The Oxford Classical Dictionary,edited by N. G. L. Hammond and H. H. Scullard,2nd edition,Oxford,reprinted 1992.
OCCL The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature,edited by M. C. Howatson,2nd edition,Oxford,reprinted 1990.
OSEDME Origins:A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English,compiled by E. Patridge,London,1961.
PMG Poetae Melici Graeci,edited by D. L. Page,Cambridge,1962.
RE Real-Encyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft,edited by A. Pauly,G. Wissowa and W. Kroll,Stuttgart,1893—1980.
TVF Tragedy:Vision and Form,edited by R. W. Corrigan,San Francisco,1965.