This book is to study the issue of Augenblick in Heidegger's early thought. Heidegger was mainly and deeply affected by Plato,Aristotle and Kierkegaard, when the concept of Augenblick was formed in his early thought. Generally speaking, there are four approaches.
First of all, through a phenomenological interpretation of the concept of "suddenness"(έξαίφνης) in Plato's Parmenides(156d3), Heidegger reveals a Augenblick that neither exists in time nor is eternal. It serves as a transition for all changes,but meanwhile it is unknowable. The epistemological unreasonableness of the concept of "suddenness" leads to the ontological level of the conclusion that "existence is nothing", which constitutes the first approach to understanding the concept of Augenblick in Heidegger's early thought.All above is the epistemological approach.
Secondly, based on a phenomenological analysis of the problem of time and presence() in Aristotle's Physics(217b29-224a17),Heidegger then clarifies the existential basis of the vulgar time including "clock-time"and "world-time", finally, it reveals the existential structure of primary temporality, and the Augenblick is a part that constitutes the emergence of temporality, namely the authentic present(Gegenwart). In conclusion, from the paradox of the concept of presence in the field of physics to the clarification of the origin of primary temporality, this constitutes the second approach to understanding the concept of Augenblick in Heidegger's early thought, that is the physical approach.
Furthermore, through the existential interpretation of the concept of opportunity(καιρός), especially the concept of practical wisdom in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics , Heidegger clarifies the concept of Augenblick when the authentic practical resolution happens.That is the third approach namely the approach of practical philosophy.
Lastly,in view of the comparison between Kierkegaard's "Øieblikket" and Heidegger's "Augenblick" , it illustrates from the perspective of life philosophy how Kierkegaard existentielly interprets the individual's resolution to believe; on the other hand, it also reveals how Heidegger inherited Kierkegaard's experiments of life philosophy,meanwhile phenomenologically and existentially clarified how Dasein, as an individual, follows the call of conscience and makes a resolution to become the authentic Dasein.That above constitutes the fourth approach to understanding the concept of Augenblick in Heidegger's early thought,namely the approach of life philosophy.
In addition, Hans Jonas once criticized the concept of Augenblick in Being and Time .Briefly speaking,there are three controversies: Firstly, Heidegger always interprets the concept of Augenblick in the relationship between the authentic future and the authentic past,therefore the Augenblick is never an independent existential category.Secondly, even if it is regarded as such a category, its existential content is practically empty.Finally,Heidegger once mentioned that the authentic past is "thrownness", but failed to explicitly specify the "thrower", that is to say, in Heidegger's existential framework, the position of the "thrower"has always been missing. Starting from those reasons, Jonas regards Heidegger's existentialism as the modern counterpart of Gnosticism, and even the initiator of modern nihilism.
Following four approaches listed above, these issues will be illustrated in detail. With the specific text analysis and the criticism from Hans Jonas about Heidegger's "Augenblick" in Being and Time , the following two goals will be accomplished from the phenomenological perspective: First of all, the concepts of έξαίφνης,, καιρός and Øieblikket are to be clarified, which are directly related to Heidegger's concept of Augenblick. Secondly, based on the analysis above, the multiple meaning of the concept of Augenblick in Heidegger's early thought and its influence on the history of western philosophy will be elucidated.
Key Words:Augenblick;Dasein;Being;Eternity;Time