A saying is that theory is something, but the practice is everything. Practice to play the violin by learning violin finger placement is an easy and effective method.
There are three main elements for practice of left-hand finger placement:
1. H-position 2. F-position 3. Pitch name.
It is a big puzzle for the string music player to determine the accuracy of intonation. Generally speaking, intonation is primarily a matter of pitch variation. The ability to identify the intonation can be improved by the practice of tonality from tonic to subtonic.
The level of determining the accuracy of violin intonation can be improved by playing perfect fourth, octave by left-hand finger (hands touch on the neck of violin), at the same time, listening the pitch and speaking the right pitch name. The practical results will be significant if learners follow this method.
The music notation teaching aid provides a simple, intuitive and effective method to improve the accuracy of violin intonation by three main elements mentioned in the first paragraph. The learners will receive immediate results in a short period through using this music notation teaching aid. The teaching aid comes with a violin fingerboard and 17 small circular stickers (magnetic materials, can be fixed on the teaching aids, 4 violin fingers multiply 4 strings plus 1 violin stretching finger, totally 17 ones). There are more than 200 fingering exercises of various tones and various positions, which are more useful for beginners. For beginners to memorize easily, set the semitone to 1, the whole tone is 2, "1" means fingers close together, "2" means fingers are separated. Simplifing the memorization makes the learners more focused and releases their memorizing burden. The determination of the thumb positions on the neck of the violin can be ensured by the four open strings of G, D, A, E. There is a special introduction on the exercise section. The second step is to confirm the F-position on the string. This book explored 210 intricate natural-sized key positions. There are only four basic F-positions commonly used as
. This book focuses on the special pieces of training for four basic F-positions. Derived from four basic F-positions,
diminished seventh chords, seventh chords,
major chords, four-tone scales (melody, harmonic minor) with two fingers as the main tone
the seventh tone of the harmonic minor are all special F-positions.The Chinese five-tone mode uses a variety of special F-positions as needed to bring convenience to the performance, eliminating unnecessary thumb position changes.
The special training is required to achieve the purpose of fingers designation to play the right violin intonation due to the finger expansions and contractions. This book requires the beginners to get ready to play the violin after the left-hand reaching a certain position, not one finger in place, but the entire hand (four fingers) reaching the tonal F-position, each one above the fingerboard through this training tutorials. This feeling is like when speaking the first sentence about to end, the second sentence has come up to your lips, and then the third and fourth sentences come one after another to make the musical language of violin fluently and smoothly.
There are seven different types of F-position on the string (the combination of the different strings by the F-positions of G, D, A, E four strings). The seven types are numbered, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and distinguished by seven colours of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and purple. No matter what the sign is, no matter what the tone is, as long as the number is corresponding to the colour, the figure will be at the same place. When the beginners are familiar with the above seven tonal F-positions, their fingers, like four small eyes, can automatically find where they should be. Hence, the learners can smoothly start the advancing courses of violin, such as scales, etudes and music.
The three main elements for practice of left-hand finger placement cover all aspects of the left-hand skills of playing the violin. It can be monophonic, diatonic, chordal, melodic, polyphonic, and can be used in scales, etudes and music. The H-positions and F-positions on the string are very significant for playing the correct melody. If the two positions are right, the learners just need to adjust the degree of left-finger separation, and finally determine the tones by ears. The conditioned reflex will reduce the adjust time by training. If you can get the conditioned reflex, you are close to succeed.
The three elements reveal the regularity and mystery of finger arrangement on the violin fingerboard. There are several exercises in the book. Practice makes perfect. It is best to focus on solving practical problems in stages and purposefully under the guidance of the tutor, which will be very helpful for the future systematic study of playing the violin.