The First Red Coal Mine in the Liberated Area
Section one: History
Found in 1962,Shigejie Coal Mine,formerly known as Yufeng Company (Zhenhua Coal Mine),was located in Changzhi City,Shanxi Province.On August 18th,1945,Shigejie miners cooperated with local armed forces of the Eighth Route Army to liberate the mine.It became the first red coal mine that the CPC took over and managed in the liberated area.

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The spirit of Shigejie Coal Mine
1963年,石圪节煤矿被周恩来总理亲手树为全国工交战线勤俭办企业五面红旗之一,形成了 “艰苦奋斗、勤俭办矿”的石圪节矿风。1991年,石圪节矿风报告团受到了江泽民等党和国家领导人的亲切接见。1995年,煤炭部设立 “石圪节精神奖”。石圪节精神在煤炭战线不断发扬光大。
In 1963,with the spirit of “hardworking and thrifty”,Shigejie Coal Mine was personally set up by Premier Zhou Enlai as one of the five red banners of running enterprises thriftily.In 1991,the Shigejie delegation was cordially received by Jiang Zemin and other leaders of CPC and China.In 1995,Ministry of Coal established “Shigejie Spirit Award” and thereafter the spirit was constantly being carried forward.

Coal preparation plant.
In the 1980s,Shigejie Coal Mine made the first group of modern sample mine in China with half set of comprehensive mining equipment.In October 2016, it became the first coal mine in Shanxi Province to be closed,because of the needs of the supply-side structural reform in coal industry.
近百年来,石圪节煤矿先后荣获300多项省部级以上荣誉,涌现出许传珩、郝晓明、董爱花等一大批先进人物。其近百年的发展历程,浓缩了中国共产党领导下中国煤炭工业成长的轨迹,被称为中国煤矿的 “西柏坡”。
In the past 100 years,Shigejie Coal Mine has won more than 300 provincial and ministerial honors,and a large number of advanced figures such as Xu Chuanheng,Hao Xiaoming and Dong Aihua.Shigejie Coal Mine has been called the “Xibaipo” of China's coal mines because of its nearly 100 years' development representing the growth track of China's coal industry under the leadership of the CPC.
Section two: Core items
南副立井、北副立井、主斜井; “三天轮”提升装置、洗煤厂及附属设施、更新厂2栋、职工集体宿舍3栋;苏式矿工俱乐部、1978年建成的矿工俱乐部、裕丰煤矿工人抗日救国会旧址、康克清到石圪节煤矿传播革命火种旧址;清末生产的道轨、朝鲜机床;部分媒体报道、老照片、全国科学大会奖状等历史档案。
South auxiliary shaft,north auxiliary shaft,main inclined shaft, “three day wheel” lifting device,coal washing plant and its facilities,2 renewal plants,3 dormitory buildings,Soviet style miners club,miners' club built in 1978,former site of Yufeng coal workers' anti Japanese National Salvation Association,and the former site for spreading revolutionary fire from Kang Keqing to Shigejie Coal Mine,tracks produced in late Qing Dynasty,North Korean machine tools; some media newspapers ,old photos,National Science Conference Awards and other historical archives.

Old photos.

South auxiliary shaft.
Section three: Revitalization
Since its closure,Shigejie Coal Mine has explored a new development route by means of building an open-air museum of mining machinery and equipment,building a national mine heritage park,and establishing red tourism demonstration base.In the new era,the spirit of Shigejie has been endowed with new connotation.

Shige Festival,bay18 culture square (Photo by Qin Hongbin).