Effects of Controllable Factors on Wastewater Treatment Ecological Floating Bed System
Fan Yangzhen1,2,Zhang Jiantao1,Chen Meng3,Liu Linshuang4
(1.Hubei Water Resource Research lnstitute,Wuhan 430070,PR China;2.Sewage Sludge and Silt Research Center,State Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,PR China;3.Hubei Provincial Water Resources and Hydropower Planning Survey and Design lnstitute,Wuhan 430064,PR China;4.ChangJiang Waterway lnstitute of Planning,Design&Research,Wuhan 430011,PR China)
Abstract:As an efficient ecological restoration technology in situ,ecological floating bed technology offers an available option for sewage purification and ecological restoration with unique environmental,economic and social benefits.In this paper,effects of controllable factors,including structure technology of floating bed system,vegetation management,and artificial media on the purifying effect of ecological floating bed are elaborated.Thus,it can provide comprehensive technical support and scientific basis for the application and improvement of ecological floating bed technology.
Keywords:ecological floating bed,ecological restoration,controllable factors