关键词:景观社会 狂欢共同体 视听文化 生产逻辑
Making Spectacle and Constructing Carnival Community
—The Logic of Short Video App Culture Production
Liu Juan
Abstract The rapid rise of short video applications is producing a society of spectacle and constructing a carnival community through recording the daily life,sharing life skills,stimulating net celebrity imagination,displaying self-proclaimed and self-stigma culture,presenting self-personality and other strategies.This logic of culture production is not simply a result of media technology,but the product of Chinese social changes and social mentality.Through the analysis of the carnival phenomenon in the short video application such as “Douyin” and “Kuaishou”,this paper examines the production logic and the tensions,contradictions and conflicts behind it,reveals the structural defects of audio-visual culture production in short video application,and attempts to discriminate the future direction of short video application.
Keywords The Society of Spectacle;Carnival Community;Audio-visual Culture;The Logic of Production
居伊·德波(Guy Debord)认为,“当代社会已经从生产阶段发展到一个独特的景观阶段,在这个阶段里,生活的每个细节几乎都已经被异化为景观的形式,所有活生生的东西成为了表征”。[1]不同于德波时代的景观社会,短视频应用提供的景观世界,不单单是表象的生产,而是以情感、价值、趣味等要素为基点,营造一种归属感和一致性,从而建立起狂欢共同体。在此共同体中,对话不是被拒斥,观看者不仅痴迷地“看”,而且借助社交媒体提供的社交性和互动性,打破德波“景观社会”中陈旧的“默认追随”,走向主动追随和自娱自嗨的文化狂欢,以实现网红经济所需的符号资本积累,走向表演拜物教。