[词语]not as / so green as one is cabbage-looking
[趣释]【物象喻指】在英美等国,cabbage主要指甘蓝、卷心菜、洋白菜等绿色蔬菜。“绿色”(green)这个形容词,从17世纪开始就隐含有“简单的”“幼稚”“易受骗”的意味。人们用看起来“不像甘蓝菜那样绿”(not as/so green as one is cabbage-looking)来喻指并不像所想象那么容易上当,并不像外貌那么傻。这个成语主要用于口语。
[运用]When he bought gold with all the money he had two years ago, the whole family thought he had made a mistake. But he's not as green as he is cabbage-looking—the price of gold doubled. 两年前,他倾其所有买进金子时,全家都认为他估计错误。事实上,他并不像看起来那么傻——金价已经上涨了一倍。
Sell you my car for five hundred pounds? It's worth twice that and I'm not so green as I'm cabbage-looking.以五百英镑把我的车卖给你吗?它可值这个价格的两倍,我也不是人们想象那样容易上当的。
She is not as green as she's cabbage-looking—the house she bought years ago is now worth far more than she paid for it. 她并不像人们所想的那么简单幼稚——她几年前买的一套房子现在价值已经远超过她买房时所付的钱了。
When he started the business everybody thought he was wasting money. But he's not as green as he's cabbage-looking. 他开始那项生意时大家都认为他是在浪费钱,但是他不像人们想象得那么傻,现在他已经开始赢利了。