Fundamental Theories
精气学说 Theory of Essential Qi
精气学说[jīng qì xué shuō]
theory of essential qi: an ancient Chinese philosophical system which explains the formation of the universe by an invisible substance called qi. The ceaseless movement of qi causes all kinds of changes, and essential qi gives rise to life.
精气[jīng qì]
essential qi: the qi of the essence, from which life originates and by which it is maintained
essence:(1)the essential part or portion of qi;(2)all the substances useful for the human body, e.g., food essence from diet;(3)the essential substance stored in the kidney, also called kidney essence (肾精 [shèn jīng])
qi: the invisible basic substance that forms the universe and produces everything in the world through its movement and changes (cf. 气 [qì] on p. 53)
vitality; spirit; mind: liveliness derived from essential qi, referring to(1)manifestations of vital functioning;(2)domination of all life activities;(3)spiritual and mental activities
三宝[sān bǎo]
three treasures: collective name for essence, qi, and vitality
精气互化[jīng qì hù huà]
mutual transformation of essence and qi: Essence can be transformed into invisible qi, and qi transformed into visible essence.
气机[qì jī]
qi movement: constant movement of qi in the human body that maintains the vital activities. The basic forms of qi movement include ascending, descending, exiting and entering.
气化[qì huà]
qi transformation: changes produced by the movement of qi, viz., metabolism of essence, qi, blood, and body fluids as well as their mutual transformation
生化[shēng huà]
generation and transformation: a term used in traditional Chinese medicine to indicate the production and changes of things, e.g., the process of forming qi and blood from food essence
ascending, descending, exiting and entering: upward, downward, outward and inward directions of qi movement, the coordination of which maintains normal life
physique: the form or structure of a person's body, opposite to but inseparable from spirit
形气[xíng qì]
physique and qi: Physique refers to the form and/or constitution of a human body, and qi refers to the functional activities of the zang-fu organs. Normally, physique and qi should be kept in coordination.
形气相得[xíng qì xiāng dé]
equilibrium between physique and qi: When a patient's physique and functional activities are in balance, his or her prognosis is usually favorable.
形气相失[xíng qì xiāng shī]
disequilibrium between physique and qi: When a patient's physique and functional activities are not in balance, e.g., an emaciated person with polyphagia and irascibility, and an obese person with shortness of breath and palpitations upon mild exertion, his or her prognosis is usually unfavorable.
形气转化[xíng qì zhuǎn huà]
conversion between physique and qi: a hypothesis that the body makeup may be converted into qi, and vice versa
形与神俱[xíng yǔ shén jù]
harmony between physique and spirit: the healthy state at which one's body and mind are well balanced