We learned a lot in this chapter about configuring some of the plugins that let us quickly make a site mobile-friendly.
Specifically, we learned how to identify our criteria for choosing the most appropriate plugin for a site and how to install and configure two plugins—WordPress Mobile Pack and the hugely popular WPtouch. We also learned that different plugins offer us different options and functionality, for example, WordPress Mobile Pack supports widgets while WPtouch has some nice options for colors and fonts, as well as for uploading logos and icons. The plugins can have a significant impact on the site's speed. While there are plenty of plugins that do this job, there are actually very few that do it very well.
Based on the criteria we have set, the most appropriate plugin for the Carborelli's site is WordPress Mobile Pack. None of the other two displayed the important widget areas, WPtouch made the site slow and Mobile Pack handled menus poorly. However, if your site doesn't contain widgets or a lot of images, you may find that WPtouch is the most appropriate with its myriad options and available tweaks.
When working with an existing desktop site, like Carborelli's, a plugin is often the quickest and easiest way to make the site mobile-friendly. But what if you don't already have a theme, or you're not too attached to the one that you have? That's where mobile-friendly themes come in, which is what we will learn about in the next chapter.