Who this book is for
The only requirement for this book is a basic understanding of JavaScript. The two most important JavaScript concepts to know are objects and functions. An understanding of how JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data is structured is also required, however, this will follow naturally from learning JavaScript objects. From this starting point, you are able to enter the world of Grunt and begin to improve your development workflow.
If you are not familiar with JavaScript yet, Code Academy (http://gswg.io#code-academy) offers a fast and interactive introduction to the basics of JavaScript programming. If you have more time, Marijn Haverbeke's Eloquent JavaScript (http://gswg.io#eloquent-javascript) is a perfect book to give you a general understanding of what programming actually is, while focusing on JavaScript at the same time. In the free (Creative Commons License) HTML version of Eloquent JavaScript, Marijn uses the fact that you are reading the book in a Web Browser to his advantage by allowing you to run and edit the code examples right in the page. This interactive reading experience is extremely powerful, and I highly recommend Eloquent JavaScript.