About the Authors
Dhruv Shah is an information security consultant and security researcher. He started his career as an information security trainer and later moved to consulting. He has a great passion for security. He has been working in the security industry for nearly 7 years. Over this period, he has performed network security assessments, web application assessments, and mobile application assessments for various private and public organizations, as well as private sector banks.
He runs the security-geek.in website, a popular resource of security guides, cheat sheets, and walkthroughs for vulnerable machines of VulnHub. He holds a masters of science in information technology (MSc IT) degree from Mumbai University. His certifications include CEH, CISE, and ECSA.
Outside of work, he can be found gaming on Steam, playing CS GO and Rocket League.
I'd like to extend my thanks to Rohit Kumar Singh for giving me the opportunity to get involved in this book. I'd thank my parents for providing a core set of values that guide me through the roughest days; my brother, Harshit Shah, for always being there for me; and, especially, my girlfriend, Tusharika Agrawal, for her support, encouragement, and most importantly motivation throughout the writing of this book. Also, I'd like to give a final thank you to all of my friends, family, and colleagues who have supported me over the years.
Ishan Girdhar is a security researcher and penetration tester. With over 5 years of work experience, he has been involved in research on vulnerabilities, malware, protocol analysis, evolving attack vectors, network packet analysis, and many other technical subjects. He is currently working with one of the biggest mobile ad network companies, InMobi. Previously, he has worked with top firms and one of the biggest Internet payment companies, PayPal. He holds bachelors and masters degrees in computer science and has the MCP, CCNA, RHCE, and OSCP certifications. He has also conducted various training courses for Red Hat Linux, and web application and network security training.
In his spare time, he prefers reading, scripting, tweeting (@ishangirdhar
), and writing articles for his personal blog (www.ishangirdhar.com), which aims to share knowledge and encourage budding enthusiasts. He has partaken in NullCon (Goa 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015) and has been actively engaged in Null Meets (the Delhi and Bangalore chapters).
Ishan specializes in enterprise risk and vulnerability assessment, security research, scripting, network packet analysis, protocol security assessment, cyber threat intelligence, and mobile security.