Libraries and the function
Let's see some essential methods from the libraries that are used in this module, as follows:

Let's now understand the module. Here, we have a method named run_host with the IP as the parameter to establish a connection to the required host. The run_host method is referred from the /lib/msf/core/auxiliary/scanner.rb library file. This method will run once for each host, as shown in the following screenshot:

Next, we have the begin keyword, which denotes the beginning of the code block. In the next statement, we have the connect method, which establishes the HTTP connection to the server, as discussed in the table previously.
Next, we define a variable named res, which will store the response. We will use the send_raw_request method from the /core/exploit/http/client.rb file with the parameter URI as /, and the method for the request as GET:

The preceding method will help you to connect to the server, create a request, send a request, and read the response. We save the response in the res variable.
This method passes all the parameters to the request_raw method from the /rex/proto/http/client.rb file, where all these parameters are checked. We have plenty of parameters that can be set in the list of parameters. Let's see what they are:

res is a variable that stores the results. In the next statement, the http_fingerprint method from the /lib/msf/core/exploit/http/client.rb file is used for analyzing the data in the fp variable. This method will record and filter out information such as Set-cookie, Powered-by, and other such headers. This method requires an HTTP response packet to make the calculations. So, we will supply :response => res as a parameter, which denotes that fingerprinting should occur on the data received from the request generated previously using res. However, if this parameter is not given, it will redo everything and get the data again from the source. The next statement prints out a type good informational message with details such as IP, port, and the service name, but only when the fp variable is set. The report_service method just stores the information to the database. It will save the target's IP address, port number, service type (HTTP or HTTPS, based on the service), and the service information. The last line, rescue ::Timeout::Error, ::Errno::EPIPE, will handle exceptions if the module times out.
Now, let's run this module and see what the output is:

So far, we have seen how a module works. We can see that on a successful fingerprint of the application, the information is posted on the console and saved in the database. Additionally, on a timeout, the module doesn't crash and is handled well. Let's take this a step further and try writing our custom module.