Amazon Fargate Quick Start Guide

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Getting Started with Amazon ECS and Amazon Fargate, is an introductory chapter in which we discuss the benefits of using the Fargate launch type, how compute resources are distributed and configured with Fargate launch type, the ECS objects in Fargate that are the same as for the EC2 launch type, and the new features in Fargate.

Chapter 2, Networking, introduces the Fargate launch type as used with an ECS cluster. We will create a cluster, including container, task, and service definitions, using a Hello World Docker image. Subsequently, we will invoke the Hello World application using the IPv4 Public IP of the Elastic Network Interface associated with a task. 

Chapter 3, Using CloudWatch Logs, discusses configuring an ECS container for logging. We demonstrated CloudWatch Logs using an ECS service for MySQL database. The only supported log driver for the Fargate launch type is the awslogs driver. 

Chapter 4, Using Auto Scaling, introduces ECS service auto scaling as used with the Fargate launch type. Configuring auto scaling involves setting a range (minimum and maximum) for a number of tasks, within which auto scaling is applied.

Chapter 5, Using IAM, discusses configuring an IAM user for ECS. The root user does not require any permissions configuration and has access to the ECS resources, ECS Console, ECS API, and all the required AWS services. If an IAM user is to be used with ECS, the required IAM policies must be added to the IAM user.

Chapter 6, Using an Application Load Balancer, discusses configuring an ECS service with the Fargate launch type with an application load balancer to balance the HTTP requests for a Hello World service. 

Chapter 7, Using Amazon ECS CLI , discusses using the ECS CLI to create a cluster of the Fargate launch type. Then, we will deploy a Docker Compose file on the cluster to run a task for a WordPress Docker image.