Creating the Main object
Here we are! Let's create our first application. First, create the entry point for the program. If you are coming from Java, it would be equivalent to defining the public static void main(String[] args).
Right-click on the src/main/scala folder and select New | Scala Class. Give Main as the class name and Object as the Kind:
We have created our first object. This object is a singleton. There can be only one instance of it in the JVM. The equivalent in Java would be a static class with static methods.
We would like to use it as the main entry point of our program. Scala provides a convenient class named App that needs to be extended. Let's extend our Main object with that class:
object Main extends App {
The App superclass defines a static main method that will execute all the code defined inside your Main object. That's all – we created our first version, which does nothing!
We can now run the program in IntelliJ. Click on the small green triangle in the gutter of the object definition, as follows:
The program gets compiled and executed, as shown in the following screenshot:
It is not spectacular, but let's improve it. To get the right habits, we are going to use the TDD technique to proceed further.