Tendermint consensus
Tendermint uses a custom consensus engine, designed as part of a doctoral thesis by Jae Kwon. It is similar to DPoS in that participants in the network can delegate their voting power to a validating account. However, to do so, they must bond or lock their tokens. To do this, they must issue a special bonding transaction in which their coins are locked to a validating node. In the event that their delegate misbehaves, both the delegate and the accounts lending their coins forfeit some portion of their bonded tokens. To release their tokens, another special unbonding transaction must be posted to the network, and such withdrawals are subject to a long delay.
Let's look at how these transactions happen. The following diagram is from the Tendermint documentation:

Let's look at the preceding figure in more detail. Delegates signal the next block by signing votes. There are three types of votes: prevotes, precommits, and commits. Each block has a special validator called a proposer. The proposer goes first, suggesting a valid block state based on a prior locked block. This proposal is shared peer-to-peer among the other validators, and if 2/3 or more vote in agreement with the locked block (in the prevote stage) then they move to the next stage: precommit. In the precommit stage, again, if 2/3 agree with the prevote condition, they will signal that they are ready to commit. Finally, the actual commitment of the block takes place: the node must have received the block, and it must have received 2/3 valid votes to precommit.
If this sequence of 2/3 votes seems unusual, it is because of the nature of asynchronous networks, where the validators may receive blocks and votes at different times. This sequence, and the edge cases that are handled when the 2/3 majority is not reached allow for effective and fast consensus on unreliable networks.