Refreshing linked-clone desktops
The changes made to a linked-clone desktop can be discarded on demand or upon user logoff. This operation is called a refresh, as it refreshes the desktop back to the exact configuration that it was in when it was first provisioned. User persistent data disks, if used, are not impacted by this action.
Horizon also supports deleting the desktop as an additional option. After the desktop has been deleted, a new desktop is provisioned to replace it.
By refreshing desktops you maintain tight control over their storage utilization as all writes to the dedicated linke-clone virtual disk are discarded. In addition, when all changes are discarded, the desktop is returned to the same state it was in when it was provisioned, which enables tight control over the end-user computing experience.
The refresh process is described in detail in Chapter 9, Performing Horizon Pool Maintenance.
Refer to Chapter 7 , Creating Horizon Desktop Pools , and Chapter 12, Implementing User Environment Manager, for more information about how to preserve user persona data during recompose or refresh operations.