Restoring the Horizon Connection Server AD LDS database
The Horizon Connection Server AD LDS database can be restored using the vdmimport utility, located in the VMware Connection Server installation drive in the Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\tools\bin directory. The utility is a command-line tool and is executed from a Windows Command Prompt. The utility requires administrative access to the Horizon infrastructure, so the AD user account used to run it must have administrative rights within the target Horizon Pod. If the AD account does not have sufficient rights, errors will be displayed during the restore operation.
To learn about all the options available for the vdmadmin.exe command, run vdmimport.exe /?.
The AD LDS database is not usually restored unless all the Horizon Connection Servers are lost or the AD LDS database is found to be corrupt. If you are having problems with just a single Horizon Connection Server, you should refer to the Restoring a single View Connection Server section in this chapter for instructions on how to restore or remove just that server.
The restore operation requires two commands:
- Decrypt the AD LDS database backup titled backup.LDF to a file titled decrypted.LDF, and replace the password with the data recovery password specified during the installation of the first Horizon Connection Server or the global data recovery password set using the Horizon Administrator console:
vdmimport -d -p password -f backup.LDF > decrypted.LDF
- Restore the decrypted backup:
vdmimport –f decrypted.LDF
Once the restore is complete, the remaining Horizon Connection Servers will replicate the restored data into their local AD LDS databases.