How to do it...
Let's perform the following steps:
- Launch the PartsUnlimited team portal and navigate to the work hub.
- To configure the team settings, click the gear icon under the velocity chart in the backlog view. The team settings window has several options to configure and style backlogs and boards, which we'll cover in later recipes:

- In the Settings window, under the General section, click Backlogs. This presents the backlog levels that are available to your team. This setting is configurable per team. Adding or removing a backlog level will only affect the team for which it's being done to, and not every team in a team project. To add the Epics backlog level for the PartsUnlimited team, simply check the Epics backlog level and click Save:

- Open an epic from the Epics backlog and choose Decompose from the context menu. Hit Enter to add a feature and indent to create the user story; indent again to create the task. Once you have decomposed the work item, click Create to save your changes: