Introduction to Metasploit Framework
Metasploit is the first tool that comes to mind whenever we think about penetration testing or exploitation. Metasploit Framework is a subproject of the Metasploit project. The Metasploit project helps us by providing information about vulnerabilities, as well as helping us with penetration testing.
Metasploit first appeared in 2003. It was developed by H.D Moore using Perl, but was later ported to Ruby in 2007. By October 2009, Rapid7 had acquired the Metasploit project. Rapid 7 then added commercial versions of Metasploit Express and Metasploit Pro. This is when the evolution of Metasploit Framework began.
Metasploit Framework is an open source framework that allows us to write, test, and execute exploit code. It can also be considered a collection of tools for penetration testing and exploitation.
In this chapter, we will cover the basics of installing and using Metasploit Framework.