Who this book is for
This book assumes that you have a decent familiarity with computers. You should have some rudimentary skills at using a mouse and keyboard, navigating the internet, and know your way around your computer's operating system. You'll also need some grasp of your hardware. Tools such as a keyboard with a number pad, a mouse with three buttons, and a powerful CPU and GPU are helpful, but you can make some decent Blender projects using even a bare bones netbook.
Maybe you have some knowledge of other 3D programs, such as ZBrush, Maya, Cinema4D, or SketchUp. Maybe you're looking to learn Blender because the price tag appeals, the newest features blow you away, or a professional client wants you working with their Blender-centric pipeline. You'll find many concepts that have equivalencies to those programs. You can gloss over the explanations of 3D vocabulary, such as polygons, normals, and rigs, and instead jump right into Blender's tools and workflows.
For those of you who enjoy gaming, that experience will also pay off when learning Blender. Just like many AAA games, Blender's interface is heavily based on keyboard shortcuts, and navigating the 3D viewport is similar to moving the view around in games. Additionally, Blender is an excellent choice for any gamers looking to create content for their favorite game's custom mod community.
If you're more inclined toward coding, you might have experience with a game engine, such as Unity, Unreal, or Godot. This book will serve as an excellent expansion to your technical skills, showing you how to make 3D content to add to games. This book will also give you a foundation in understanding how these 3D components work, which will come in handy if you ever build out your own 3D tools.
Artists of every stripe can find their new favorite tool in Blender. Blender's 2D animation tools are perfect for artists who love drawing, anime, and experimental media. Especially when combined with Blender's native 3D interface, plus a drawing tablet, Blender has everything you need for both 3D and hand-drawn cartoons.
Whether you're completely new to Blender, or a 3D animation veteran enticed by Blender's newest features, this book will have something for you.