The Vitality of Hong Kong Mr Kai Ming Kong is a master of fine arts born and raised in Hong Kong. His foundation in sketching is solid. He impresses the audience with watercolour paintings rich in figurative realism. His paintings of the nature are detailed and vivid, never missing a joint or a crack of a piece of stone. Academics who have engaged in geological exploration for decades (e.g. Prof Lung Sang Chan from the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong) are awed and display Mr Kong's works in school as study and reference materials for students. I fully agree with Prof Chan's viewpoints and intentions.
Mr Kong's paintings, although belonging to the school of realism, fully express the sentiments of previous artists towards the nature and the scenery. To Kong, a true artist not only presents what he or she sees with naked eyes, but also includes understanding obtained through spiritual mind in depth. Therefore, we should appreciate a piece of art with our hearts, in order to find the spiritual consolation that cannot be understood simply with naked eyes. The Vitality of Hong Kong, a collection of Kong's watercolour paintings published by Chung Hwa Book Co. (H.K.)Ltd., reflects such artistic orientation of Mr Kong.
As we all know, Mr Kong loves the city. In the previous decades, with his paint brush, he has faithfully recorded the historical changes, mountains and scenery, and daily life of Hong Kong. His paintings cover almost every corner of this city. Prof Jao once said that Hong Kong is a blessed piece of land. Let us all cherish and pass on the vitality of the blessed land with gratitude.
Prof. Chack Fan Lee, GBS, SBS, JP
Vice-Chairman, Board of Governors
Chu Hai College of Higher Education, Hong Kong
April 2016