I was first introduced to Bruce in 2005, as an eager student wanting to learn boxing and get back into shape. Bruce has extensive knowledge in both areas, and I soon took up weight lifting, tried out Wing Chun and read up on nutrition. Pretty soon, my two sons, Jackson and Jordan joined in the bandwagon. In each and every one of these pursuits, Bruce gave us helpful advice, guided us through the complicated techniques and knowledge, and drove us to work hard and understand everything. From my own personal experience, I can honestly say that I have never met a more conscientious, focused and considerate instructor.
During the past years, I have gained from Bruce's vast knowledge of the physiological and the psychological. Bruce has never ceased to amaze me with his intricate understanding of the body's features and idiosyncrasies. Under his guidance and watchful eye, both Jackson and Jordan have grown to be healthy, muscular young man and have managed to incorporate fitness into all levels of their life.
Bruce's latest literary installation,便便書,is a wonderful amalgamation of this physiological understanding. In it, Bruce meticulously details the digestive system in its majestic entirety, humorously describing the bodily functions as well as foods to improve one's general health and wellbeing. His straightforward descriptions and his wit make his book tremendously accessible to the ordinary reader. As both a longtime friend of Bruce's, I therefore urge you to buy this book, read it carefully, and apply the knowledge to your daily life. I can assure you that the results from your improved health and fitness will reflect a time and money well spent.
Michael Tse
Chairman & CEO, North Asia Resources Limited