5.4.1 技术与信息系统使用研究
1. 信息技术使用研究
社会资本在新技术的采用、扩散和使用中发挥着重要作用。Yang等研究了社会资本和信息通信技术(Information Communications Technology,ICT)之间的关系。[1]Wagner等利用社会资本理论解释业务与IT之间的一致性是如何影响组织绩效的,并揭示了IT和业务单元之间的社会资本对IT价值实现的促进作用。[2]然而,这一领域的早期研究中并没有得出一致的结果,Putnam对电视带来的影响的分析得出电子技术造成了社会资本下降的结论[3];其他学者却认为互联网及此后出现的新应用,如社会网络服务站点等,促进了社会资本的构建[4]。具体地,Wellman等[5]、Robinson等[6]研究了互联网的使用是否会影响社会资本,通过二手数据或大范围的网络调查发现,人们的在线互动补充了他们的面对面交流和电话交流,因此既不会增加也不会减少社会资本。此后,多位学者利用社会资本理论研究了互联网技术对人们生产生活的影响,如Sum等在研究互联网对老年人的影响时,就探寻到互联网使用、社会资本与幸福的关系是一个复杂的结构,互联网对社会资本和老年人福祉的影响依具体的使用技术不同而有所不同[7];Kavanaugh等专门研究了互联网使用中的弱关系,发现具有桥接关系的互联网重度使用者具有更高的社会参与,桥接关系更有利于促进集体效能和活跃合作[8]。
2. 信息系统使用研究
3. IT外包研究
4. IT创新研究
5. 基于IT的组织业务研究
[1] Yang S, Lee H, Kurnia S. Social capital in information and communications technology research: Past, present, and future[J]. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 2009, 25(1): 183-220.
[2] Wagner H T, Beimborn D, Weitzel T. How social capital among information technology and business units drives operational alignment and IT business value[J]. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2014, 31(1): 241-272.
[3] Putnam R D. Bowling alone: The collapse and revival of American community[M]. New York, NJ: Simon & Schuster, 2000: 66-90.
[4] Hampton K, Barry W. Neighboring in Netville: How the Internet supports community and social capital in a wired suburb[J]. City & Community, 2003, 2(4): 277-311.
[5] Wellman B, Haase A Q, Witte J, et al. Does the Internet increase, decrease, or supplement social capital? Social networks, participation, and community commitment[J]. American Behavioral Scientist, 2001, 45(3): 436-455.
[6] Robinson J P, Martin S. IT use and declining social capital: More cold water from the general social survey (GSS) and the American time-use survey (ATUS)[J]. Social Science Computer Review, 2010, 28(1): 45-63.
[7] Sum S, Mathews M R, Pourghasem M, et al. Internet technology and social capital: How the internet affects seniors’ social capital and wellbeing[J]. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 2008, 14(1): 202-220.
[8] Kavanaugh A L, Reese D D et al. Weak ties in networked communities[J]. Information Society, 2005, 21(2): 119-131.
[9] Chang H H, Hung C J, Huang C Y, et al. Social capital and transaction cost on co-creating IT value towards inter-organizational EMR exchange[J]. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 2017, 97: 247-260.
[10] Kankanhalli A, Tan B C Y, Wei K K. Contributing knowledge to electronic knowledge repositories: An empirical investigation[J]. MIS Quarterly, 2005, 29(1): 113-143.
[11] Li N, Guo X, Chen G, et al. Reading behavior on intra-organizational blogging systems: A group-level analysis through the lens of social capital theory[J]. Information & Management, 2015, 52(7): 870-881.
[12] Fulk J, Yuan Y C. Location, motivation, and social capitalization via enterprise social networking[J]. Journal of Computer-mediated Communication, 2013, 19(1): 20-37.
[13] Sherif K, Hoffman J, Thomas B. Can technology build organizational social capital? The case of a global IT consulting firm[J]. Information & Management, 2006, 43(7): 795-804.
[14] He W, Qiao Q, Wei K K. Social relationship and its role in knowledge management systems usage[J]. Information & Management, 2009, 46(3): 175-180.
[15] Ang S, Straub D W. Production and transaction economies and IS outsourcing: A study of the U.S. banking industry[J]. MIS Quarterly, 1998, 22(4): 535-552.
[16] Ye F, Agarwal R. Strategic information technology partnerships in outsourcing as a distinctive source of information technology value: A social capital perspective[EB/OL]. [2020-06-18]. https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2003/26/.
[17] Adler P S, Kwon S W. Social capital: Prospects for a new concept[J]. Academy of Management Review, 2002, 27(1): 17-40.
[18] Ravindran K, Susarla A, Mani D, et al. Social capital and contract duration in buyer-supplier networks for information technology outsourcing[J]. Information Systems Research, 2015, 26(2): 379-397.
[19] Powell W W, Koput K W, Smith D L. Inter-organizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in biotechnology[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1996, 41(1): 116-145.
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[21] Maskell, P. Social capital, innovation, and competitiveness[M]//Baron S, Field J, Schuller T. Social Capital: Critical Perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000: 111-123.
[22] Balijepally V, Mahapatra R K, Nerur S P. Social capital: A theoretical lens for IS research[EB/OL]. [2020-06-18]. https://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1763&context=amcis2004.
[23] Heinz T W, Daniel B, Tim W. How social capital among information technology and business units drives operational alignment and IT business value[J]. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2014, 31(1): 241-272.