Hands/On Kubernetes on Azure

The software evolution that brought us here

There are two major software development evolutions that enabled the popularity of Docker and Kubernetes. One is the adoption of a microservices architectural style. Microservices allow an application to be built from a collection of small services that each serve a specific function. The other evolution that enabled Docker and Kubernetes is DevOps. DevOps is a set of cultural practices that allows people, processes, and tools to build and release software faster, more frequently, and more reliably.

Although you can use both Docker and Kubernetes without using either microservices or DevOps, the technologies are most widely adopted for deploying microservices using DevOps methodologies.

In this section, we'll discuss both evolutions, starting with microservices.


Software development has drastically evolved over time. Initially, software was developed and run on a single system, typically a mainframe. A client could connect to the mainframe through a terminal, and only through that terminal. This changed when computer networks became common when the client-server programming model emerged. A client could connect remotely to a server, and even run part of the application on their own system while connecting to the server to retrieve part of the data the application required.

The client-server programming model has evolved toward truly distributed systems. Distributed systems are different from the traditional client-server model as they have multiple different applications running on multiple different systems, all interconnected.

Nowadays, a microservices architecture is common when developing distributed systems. A microservices-based application consists of a group of services that work together to form the application, while the individual services themselves can be built, tested, deployed, and scaled independently from each other. The style has many benefits but also has several disadvantages.

A key part of a microservices architecture is the fact that each individual service serves one and only one core function. Each service serves a single bounded business function. Different services work together to form the complete application. Those services work together over network communication, commonly using HTTP REST APIs or gRPC.

This architectural approach is commonly adopted by applications run using Docker and Kubernetes. Docker is used as the packaging format for the individual services, while Kubernetes is the orchestrator that deploys and manages the different services running together.

Before we dive into the Docker and Kubernetes specifics, let's first explore the benefits and downsides of adopting microservices.

Advantages of running microservices

There are several advantages to running a microservices-based application. The first is the fact that each service is independent of the other services. The services are designed to be small enough (hence micro) to handle the needs of a business domain. As they are small, they can be made self-contained and independently testable, and so are independently releasable.

This leads to the fact that each microservice is independently scalable as well. If a certain part of the application is getting more demand, that part of the application can be scaled independently from the rest of the application.

The fact that services are independently scalable also means they are independently deployable. There are multiple deployment strategies when it comes to microservices. The most popular are rolling upgrades and blue/green deployments.

With a rolling upgrade, a new version of the service is deployed only to part of the end user community. This new version is carefully monitored and gradually gets more traffic if the service is healthy. If something goes wrong, the previous version is still running, and traffic can easily be cut over.

With a blue/green deployment, you would deploy the new version of the service in isolation. Once the new version of the service is deployed and tested, you would cut over 100% of the production traffic to the new version. This allows for a clean transition between service versions.

Another benefit of the microservices architecture is that each service can be written in a different programming language. This is described as being polyglot – able to understand and use multiple languages. For example, the front end service can be developed in a popular JavaScript framework, the back end can be developed in C#, while the machine learning algorithm can be developed in Python. This allows you to select the right language for the right service, and to have the developers use the languages they are most familiar with.

Disadvantages of running microservices

There's a flip side to every coin, and the same is true for microservices. While there are multiple advantages to a microservices-based architecture, this architecture has its downsides as well.

Microservices designs and architectures require a high degree of software development maturity in order to be implemented correctly. Architects who understand the domain very well must ensure that each service is bounded and that different services are cohesive. Since services are independent of each other and versioned independently, the software contract between these different services is important to get right.

Another common issue with a microservices design is the added complexity when it comes to monitoring and troubleshooting such an application. Since different services make up a single application, and those different services run on multiple servers, both logging and tracing such an application is a complicated endeavor.

Linked to the aforementioned disadvantages is that, typically, in microservices, you need to build more fault tolerance into your application. Due to the dynamic nature of the different services in an application, faults are more likely to happen. In order to guarantee application availability, it is important to build fault tolerance into the different microservices that make up an application. Implementing patterns such as retry logic or circuit breakers is critical to avoid a single fault causing application downtime.

Often linked to microservices, but a separate transformation, is the DevOps movement. We will explore what DevOps means in the next section.


DevOps literally means the combination of development and operations. More specifically, DevOps is the union of people, processes, and tools to deliver software faster, more frequently, and more reliably. DevOps is more about a set of cultural practices than about any specific tools or implementations. Typically, DevOps spans four areas of software development: planning, developing, releasing, and operating software.


Many definitions of DevOps exist. The authors have adopted this definition, but you as a reader are encouraged to explore different definitions in the literature around DevOps.

The DevOps culture starts with planning. In the planning phase of a DevOps project, the goals of a project are outlined. These goals are outlined both at a high level (called an Epic) and at a lower level (in Features and Tasks). The different work items in a DevOps project are captured in the feature backlog. Typically, DevOps teams use an agile planning methodology working in programming sprints. Kanban boards are often used to represent project status and to track work. As a task changes status from to do to doing to done, it moves from left to right on a Kanban board.

When work is planned, actual development can be done. Development in a DevOps culture isn't only about writing code, but also about testing, reviewing, and integrating with team members. A version control system such as Git is used for different team members to share code with each other. An automated continuous integration (CI) tool is used to automate most manual tasks such as testing and building code.

When a feature is code-complete, tested, and built, it is ready to be delivered. The next phase in a DevOps project can start: delivery. A continuous delivery (CD) tool is used to automate the deployment of software. Typically, software is deployed to different environments, such as testing, quality assurance, or production. A combination of automated and manual gates is used to ensure quality before moving to the next environment.

Finally, when a piece of software is running in production, the operations phase can start. This phase involves the maintaining, monitoring, and supporting of an application in production. The end goal is to operate an application reliably with as little downtime as possible. Any issues are to be identified as proactively as possible. Bugs in the software need to be tracked in the backlog.

The DevOps process is an iterative process. A single team is never in a single phase of the process. The whole team is continuously planning, developing, delivering, and operating software.

Multiple tools exist to implement DevOps practices. There are point solutions for a single phase, such as Jira for planning or Jenkins for CI and CD, as well as complete DevOps platforms, such as GitLab. Microsoft operates two solutions that enable customers to adopt DevOps practices: Azure DevOps and GitHub. Azure DevOps is a suite of services to support all phases of the DevOps process. GitHub is a separate platform that enables DevOps software development. GitHub is known as the leading open-source software development platform, hosting over 40 million open-source projects.

Both microservices and DevOps are commonly used in combination with Docker and Kubernetes. After this introduction to microservices and DevOps, we'll continue this first chapter with the fundamentals of Docker and containers and then the fundamentals of Kubernetes.