Natural Objects and Man-made Objects 自然与人类创造的事物
I-1 / 001
Natural Objects and Man-made Objects
Our world is full of objects. Many objects were made by nature. Other objects man has made with what nature has given him.
Natural Objects

Nature made many objects.
No one else can make these objects. Nature made the stars, the animals, and the plants. Nature made you. Nature is wonderful.
Nature made pretty objects. It made the blue sky, the colorful flowers, and the green plants. Nature loves us.
Nature made big things. It made the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars. Nature is great.
Nature tells us that he Nature made all these things. Only Nature can make these things.
Man-made Objects

Man can make objects, also. Man cannot make the objects nature made. Man can make objects from what nature has given us.
Nature gave man a mind with which to think. Because man can think, man can make things.
Nature wants man to think of and to make objects that help people. Man can make tools. Tools help man to do things. Man can make objects if he has tools. What objects can man make?
Man uses wood, metal, glass, paper, and plastic to make objects. Wood, metal, glass, paper, and plastic are five materials from which objects are made. Man makes many objects from these materials.

练 习

1. Write a list of objects that Nature has made.
2. Look at the clock in your classroom.
(1) What materials do you see that man used to make the clock?
Is there any metal in your clock? Yes __________ No __________
(2) The side of the clock is made of metal, plastic, or wood.
Is there a glass cover on the clock? Yes __________ No __________
译 文
练 习
1. 列出一些自然所创造的东西。
2. 观察教室里的时钟。
(1) 你能看出它是用什么材料做的吗?它用金属了吗?
(2) 钟的侧面是用金属、塑料或木材制成的。它的表面有玻璃覆盖吗?
答 案
1. the stars the sky the plants the animals 2. (1) Yes (2) Yes