I-11 / 011

Starfish of different sizes and colors live in the oceans. Starfish are often yellow, orange, or brown. They can be other colors, too. From point to point, a starfish can be as small as a paper clip or as long as a yardstick. Most starfish are shaped like stars, with five arms extending from their bodies. Some starfish have a dozen arms. Other types have 25 arms.
Rows of tiny spines cover the top of a starfish's arms. Each spine moves easily when it is touched. Enemies that brush against a starfish may get a surprise. Some starfish spines are very sharp and have poison in them.
Underneath each arm of a starfish are rows of tiny holes. Tube feet extend from these holes. The tube feet can become suction cups to help starfish grip things. These suction cups hold starfish very strongly. Even storm waves will not tear a starfish from a rock.
A starfish's mouth is on its underside. It is in the middle of its body. Starfish can swallow small animals whole. Sometimes they eat mollusks. These include clams and oysters, which are protected by hard shells. A starfish attaches its tube feet to each side of the shell. Then it slowly pries the shell open. The starfish next pushes its stomach out through its mouth, into the open shell. There, its stomach begins to digest the soft flesh.
Fishers who collect oysters and clams sometimes try to kill starfish by cutting them into pieces. This does not kill them. Starfish can grow new arms. They can even grow a new body. This can happen when one arm remains attached to a piece of the old body. Even a small part of a starfish's body can become another starfish.


练 习
1. A starfish can be the size of a __________ .
A. grain of rice B. car
C. yardstick D. door
2. A starfish can protect itself with its ____________ .
A. tube feet B. arms C. mouth D. spines
3. The suction-cup feet of a starfish ___________ .
A. are weak B. have bristles
C. are very strong D. have pointed tips
4. A starfish's mouth is ____________ .
A. on one arm B. inside its stomach
C. on its tube feet D. on its underside
5. If a starfish loses an arm, it will _____________ .
A. die B. not move
C. grow another D. lose another
译 文
练 习
1. 海星可以和 ___________ 一样大。
A. 米粒 B. 小汽车 C. 码尺 D. 门
2. 海星可以用自身的 ____________ 保护自已。
A. 管状足 B. 触手 C. 嘴 D. 刺针
3. 海星的吸盘脚 ____________ 。
A. 很弱 B. 有刷毛 C. 很强壮 D. 有尖头
4. 海星的嘴在 ___________ 。
A. 其中的一只触手上 B. 在胃里
C. 在它的管状足上 D. 在身体下面
5. 如果海星失去了一只触手,它会 ____________ 。
A. 死亡 B. 不能动了
C. 长出一只新的 D. 失去另一只
答 案
1. C 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C