How Do Animals Grow and Change?动物是怎样成长和变化的?
I-8 / 008
How Do Animals Grow and Change?
Some animals change in form as they go through their lives. These animal babies hatch from eggs and do not look like the mother who laid the eggs. They go through changes as they grow. They begin to look like different kinds of animals. Scientists call these changes metamorphosis.

A butterfly is an invertebrate that goes through metamorphosis. There are four stages in the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The female adult lays an egg that hatches into a larva. A larva looks somewhat like a worm but it is not a worm. If you look at a larva carefully, you can find six tiny legs at the end nearest to its head. You will also find other things that look like legs at the back end of the larva. These things are not legs, but they do help to hold larva to surfaces.
When the animal is in the larva stage of its life, it must eat much food in order to be strong and to grow. Its skin will not grow like yours. Larva must molt when the skin becomes too tight. There is a soft skin underneath that will get hard. Then later, that skin will have to be shed. This happens many times before larva is ready to go into the next stage.
Later the larva will go into a resting stage called the pupa. It will no longer look like a worm-like animal. It will work hard to make a strong safe place for itself on a twig. There the animal will remain for some time not moving or eating. A different kind of covering will form on the outside. The animal inside is changing. When everything is just right, an adult butterfly will come from the pupa skin.
An animal must be very strong to go through all four stages. Every time you see a butterfly, moth, or even a housefly, think about these stages of metamorphosis. The animal that you will be looking at had to survive these stages. The nature has a good plan for the animals of the earth to follow as they live, grow, and change.

练 习
Fill in the blanks.
1. (1) The four stages of metamorphosis of a butterfly are
____________ _____________
____________ _____________
(2) The skin of larva cannot grow and must be _____________ .
2. Arrange these words in proper order of growth.
adult larva egg pupa
(1) ________ (2) __________ (3) ___________ (4)_____________
译 文
练 习
1. (1) 一只蝴蝶的四个变态阶段分别是
_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________
(2) 幼虫的皮肤不能生长,必须 ________________ 。
2. 按照成长顺序排列下面的单词。
成虫 幼虫 卵 蛹
(1) ___________ (2) ____________ (3) ____________ (4) _____________
答 案
1. (1) egg larva pupa adult
(2) shed
2. (1) egg (2) larva (3) pupa (4) adult