欧洲绿道 European Greenway
欧洲绿道联合会EGWA于2000年对绿道作了如下的界定: ①专门用于轻型非机动车的运输线路;②已被开发成以游憩为目的,或为了承担必要的日常往返需要(上班、上学、购物等)的交通线路,一般提倡采用公共交通工具;③处于特殊位置的、部分或完全退役的、曾经被较好恢复的上述交通线路,被改造成适合于非机动交通的使用者使用的,比如徒步者、骑自行车者、限制性机动者(指被限速或特指类型的机动车)、轮滑者、滑雪者、骑马者等。
European Greenway Association(EGWA)has developed the following definitions in 2000. ①Specifically for light non-motorized traffics. ②It has been developed into a recreational purposes and/or undertaken the necessarily daily commute(to work, school and shopping, etc.), which generally advocates the use of public transport. ③The transportation lines locate in special areas, or have completely retired and was transformed into a suitable transportation routes, which can be reconstructed for the users of non-motorized transportation, including hikers, cyclists, restricted vehicles(limited speed or other specific types of motor vehicles), roller skating, skiers and horse riders.