32.Severe Stenosis in Extracranial Carotid Artery颈动脉颅外段严重狭窄
Examiner: Do you have a headache?
检查者: 你头痛吗?
Patient: No,I just feel dizzy.
病人: 不痛,就是感到头晕。
Examiner: How long have you been feeling like this?
检查者: 这样的情况有多久了?
Patient: It all started the day before yesterday.
病人: 从前天开始突然发作的。
Examiner: How long have you suffered from hypertension?
检查者: 你高血压有多久了?
Patient: About ten years as far as I know.
病人: 我知道有10年了。
Examiner: Are there any other members in your family suffering from the same disease?
检查者: 你家里还有人有高血压吗?
Patient: Yes,my father has hypertension.
病人: 是的,我父亲有高血压。
Examiner: Do you smoke?
检查者: 你吸烟吗?
Patient: Yes,I do.
病人: 是的。
Examiner: My advice to you is to give up smoking.
检查者: 我劝你不要吸烟了。
Patient: OK. What’s the result of the examination?
病人: 好的,检查结果如何?
Examiner: There is a stenosis at your left extracranial internal carotid artery.
检查者: 你的左侧颈内动脉颅外段狭窄。
Patient: Is my condition serious?
病人: 我的情况很严重吗?
Examiner: There is an adequate intracranial collateral circulation,the symptom is not very clear. I suggest you take additional examination to confrm the result.
检查者: 因为颅内侧支循环良好,所以你的临床症状不明显,但需要进一步检查。
Patient: What kind of examination do you suggest?
病人: 需要做哪些检查?
Examiner: DSA or MRA. Here’s your report,you should give it to your physician now.
检查者: DSA(数字减影血管造影)或MRA(磁共振血管造影)检查。这是你的检查报告,现在拿去给医生看。
Patient: Thank you very much.
病人: 多谢。