12.Peptic Ulcer消化性溃疡
Nurse: Mr. Li,I know as a taxi driver,you must be very busy every day.
护士: 李先生,我知道作为一名出租车司机,你平时一定很忙碌。
Patient: Yes,during working hours,I often can not eat regularly. Sometimes I get stomach aches.
病人: 是的,在工作时间,我经常不能准时进餐,有时还会感到胃痛。
Nurse: That’s one of the symptoms of a gastric ulcer. Besides taking antiacid drug,you must following the diet therapy.
护士: 这是胃溃疡的临床表现之一。你除了服用抗酸药外,更要注意饮食治疗。
Patient: Could you tell me what is the diet therapy?
病人: 你能告诉我什么是饮食治疗吗?
Nurse: Diet therapy is one of the most important parts of treating a gastric ulcer. You should have a well-balanced diet,eat slowly,chew thoroughly,and have small snacks such as soda biscuits between meals. You should also avoid irritating foods such as caffeine,nicotine,and alcohol.
护士: 饮食治疗是胃溃疡治疗最重要的部分之一。你应该每日进食均衡膳食,细嚼慢咽,两餐之间吃些小点心,像苏打饼干。同时,你也应该避免进食刺激性食物,如咖啡因、尼古丁和酒精。
Patient: Yes,I know,but I’m very busy every day. Sometimes I forget these rules. What should I do?
病人: 是的,我知道。但是我每日工作很忙,时常会忽视这些。现在我怎么做才好呢?
Nurse: I believe a healthy lifestyle will quicken your recovery. You should maintain a good mood,get enough rest,have a light diet,and avoid taking inappropriate medicine such as aspirin,which will irritate the gastric mucosa. Meanwhile,you must give up smoking and drinking,because they stimulate gastric acid secretion.
护士: 良好的生活方式会加快你的康复。你应该保持良好的心情,充足的休息,清淡饮食,避免不合理用药,如阿司匹林,会刺激你的胃粘膜。同时,你必须戒烟戒酒,因为它们会刺激胃酸分泌。
Patient: Yeah,I know. But I am afraid that giving up smoking and drinking is too diffculty for me because they have become part of my life.
病人: 是啊,我理解。但是戒烟、戒酒对我来说恐怕太难了,抽烟喝酒已成为我生活的一部分。
Nurse: Yes,I understand,it is not easy. But I also believe you can do it if you have strong determination.
护士: 是的,我理解,这并不容易。但是我也相信只要你有坚强的意志你就会做得很好。
Patient: Thank you for your encouragement. I will try my best.
病人: 谢谢你的鼓励,我会尽力而为。
Nurse: Great. Please don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Let’s plan your recovery plan together.
护士: 很好。如果你有任何问题都可以问我,请不要犹豫。让我们共同制订你的康复计划。
Patient: What is a recovery plan?
病人: 什么是康复计划呢?
Nurse: This is a good question. There are six things you should remember:
1.Maintain a healthy lifestyle as I mentioned earlier.
2.Follow the doctor’s orders.
3.Take the medication regularly.
4.See the doctor in the clinic every month.
5.Stick to the treatment plan even after your symptoms have disappeared.
6.See your doctor as soon as possible if you have black stool or severe stomach pain that can’t be relieved.
护士: 你问得好,我告诉你以下6点你就知道了。
Patient: Thank you very much. I’ve learned a lot about gastric ulcer. It is very useful and I will follow your advice.
病人: 非常感谢。我学到很多有关胃溃疡的知识。这些非常有用,我会按照你的建议去做。
Nurse: You are welcome. I hope you recover soon.
护士: 不用谢。祝你早日康复。
Nurse: Where is your pain?
护士: 你觉得哪里痛?
Patient: In my stomach.
病人: 胃痛。
Nurse: Show me exactly where it is.
护士: 请告诉我准确的位置。
Patient: Here.
病人: 这里痛。
Nurse: Do you feel pain after meals?
护士: 是饭后痛吗?
Patient: Yes. It happens after every meal.
病人: 对。每顿饭后都会痛。
Nurse: How soon does the pain come on after each meal?
护士: 饭后多久痛?
Patient: About half an hour.
病人: 大约半小时。
Nurse: Do you feel painful when you are hungry?
护士: 饥饿时痛吗?
Patient: Yes.
病人: 是的。
Nurse: Do you feel better after eating something?
护士: 吃点东西以后是否感到好些?
Patient: Yes,a little.
病人: 是,稍微好些。
Nurse: What kind of pain do you feel?
护士: 你感到是怎样的痛?
Patient: It is like a burning sensation.
病人: 像烧灼样感觉。
Nurse: When do you feel pain the most?
护士: 你感到什么时候最痛?
Patient: In the middle of the night.
病人: 在半夜里。
Nurse: Have you vomited?
护士: 有呕吐吗?
Patient: Yes,several times.
病人: 是的。我吐了几次。
Nurse: What did you vomit,food or blood?
护士: 你吐的是什么? 食物还是血?
Patient: It was food with a little blood.
病人: 是食物,带一点血。
Nurse: Was the blood red or black?
护士: 吐的血是红色还是黑色?
Patient: Just like coffee.
病人: 很像咖啡。
Nurse: According to your symptoms,it looks like you have peptic ulcer. We shall have to take an X-ray picture of stomach and intestine. If the X-Ray picture shows you have peptic ulcer,you’ll have to come to the hospital to undergo treatment. In the meantime,the doctor will prescribe some medicine to make you comfortable.
护士: 按你的病情像是消化性溃疡。我们将给你做胃肠X线检查。如果胃肠X线检查有消化性溃疡,你应该来医院接受治疗。医生将给你些药,让你舒服些。
Nurse: Hello,Ms. Li. Are you feeling better after fve days of treatment ?
护士: 李女士,经过5天的治疗您现在感觉好一些了吗?
Patient: A little better. But I feel the results of the treatment are coming too slow. Have you been giving me the right medicine?
病人: 好是好一点了,但我觉得治疗效果太慢,是不是你们给我的药不对啊?
Nurse: Ms. Li,the medicine we’ve given you are for gastric acid control and to protect the gastric mucous membrane. They are appropriate for your illness.
护士: 李女士,现在我们给您使用的都是针对您疾病的抑酸药、保护胃黏膜的药物。
Patient: Why am I recovering so slowly?
病人: 那为什么恢复这么慢?
Nurse: Ms. Li,you are suffering from a peptic ulcer,which is caused by the digestion of the gastric mucous membrane by your own gastric acid. It’s a chronic disease. Healing the ulcer and completely relieving the pain can only be achieved after lengthy treatment.You have only been treated for fve days. It is not enough time to completely recover yet.
护士: 李女士,您所患的疾病是由于胃肠黏膜被消化液自身消化而造成的溃疡,是一种慢性病,需要坚持长期治疗后溃疡面积才能慢慢修复愈合,疼痛才能完全缓解。现在才刚治疗5天,不可能这么快病就好了。
Patient: But I have stayed in the hospital for five days and there are so many things in my company waiting for me to handle. Please prescribe some better medicine for me so that I can be discharged sooner.
病人: 可是我已经住院5天了,公司有一大堆事情等着我处理。你们再给我用些好药,让我尽快治好出院。
Nurse: The medicines we are using are the best. Relax. Anxiety is not good for recovery. It stimulates the secretion of gastric acid and makes your ill-ness even worse.
护士: 我们现在给您用的药已经是最好的了。您不要着急,情绪焦虑对疾病治疗恢复不利,反而会刺激胃酸分泌增加,加重病情。
Patient: According to what you have said,it’s diffcult to cure my illness?
病人: 照你这么说,我的病很难治好了?
Nurse: No,don’t be so pessimistic. Currently there is a patient in our ward who has the same disease as you. He has almost recovered completely and is preparing for discharge. I will introduce him to you later,and you can talk to him about the treatment. Is that all right?
护士: 不是的,你不要对治疗这么没信心。我们病房现在正好住了一位和您患有同样疾病的先生,他经治疗后已基本痊愈,准备择日出院。等会儿我介绍您和他认识,你们可以交流一下治疗情况,好吗?
Patient: OK. Has he really recovered?
病人: 好吧。他真的好了吗?
Nurse: Really. Now the most important thing for you to do is to relax and try to be cheerful.I have a comic book. I’ll let you read it and hope it will help you relax. I’ll come back to see you after a while. If you feel uncomfor table,please tell me or press the call button. OK?
护士: 是真的。你现在最主要的是放松心情,保持愉快良好的情绪。我这有一本《笑话大全》给你看,希望对你有所帮助。我一会儿再来看你,有什么不舒服告诉我或者直接按铃招呼我,好吗?
Patient: OK.
病人: 好的。