10.Spontaneous Pneumothorax自发性气胸
Nurse: Hello,Wang Lei. I’m nurse Zhang. You can regard me as your old sister if you wish,because I’m a litter bit older than you.
护士: 你好,王磊,我是你的床位护士,我姓张。我的年龄比你稍大,假如你愿意,你可以把我当成姐姐。
Patient: I wish you were my sister and could stay beside me. I’m afraid to move or even breathe with this tube in my chest. Could you tell me something about my problem?
病人: 现在,我真愿意有你这样的姐姐守在我边上。身上插了这么一根管子,我动都不敢动,也不敢呼吸了,你能给我讲讲吗?
Nurse: Well,the human lung is composed of many pulmonary alveoli which exchange gas with outside air,thus supplying oxygen for human body. Because of some congenital and postnatal reasons,some pulmonary alveoli in your lung merged together and formed a big bubble and its wall became very thin. It broke suddenly when you exercised vigorously or breathed rapidly. This allowed the gas to fll into the thorax and accumulated until it affected the normal function of your lung and resulted in your breathing diffculties.
护士: 好的,人体的肺组织是由很多很多肺泡组成的。正是这些肺泡与外界之间进行着气体交换,人体才能得到源源不断的氧气供应。你的肺中,有一小部分肺泡由于先天和后天的因素,融合在一起,形成一个大泡泡,壁也变得很薄。在剧烈运动或频繁的吸气换气的情况下,突然破裂,气体就直接进入胸腔,越积越多,最后限制了正常肺组织的功能,你就出现呼吸困难的症状了。
Patient: Oh,I know. Then what is this tube for?
病人: 喔,原来我的肺中还有这么一个大泡。那插这根管子有什么用呢?
Nurse: The drainage tube is inserted to your thoracic cavity and it help to expel the gas from inside. Then,your lung may be expanded normally after the gas is removed. Do you hear the sound in the drainage bottle?
护士: 这根胸腔引流管直接通到你的胸腔里,把积在其中的气体排出来。气体排出后,你的肺部就又可以舒张了。你听到下面引流瓶内的水泡声了吗?
Patient: Yeah,but I can’t move with the tube there.
病人: 是的。可是,管子插在那儿我就不能动了!
Nurse: You can make some body movements on the bed,but you should not get out of bed these days. In addition,the tube should not be bended or folded. Otherwise it will not drain smoothly. Moreover,you should not turn your body too much to prevent the tube from dropping out. If you need to go out to take some tests,such as a chest X-ray,you must call me. I will clamp the tube down temporarily. If the tube drops out,it will worsen your condition because the thoracic cavity will open again.
护士: 并不是完全不能动,这几天你可能不能下床,但可以在床上进行一些肢体活动。不过要特别注意这根管子,不要弯曲折叠,以免引流不畅。翻身幅度不能太大,以免管子脱落。假如要出去做检查,如X线检查等,一定叫我,我可以暂时把管子夹闭,否则,管子脱落,使密闭的胸腔又开放了,那会加重病情的。
Patient: When will the tube be taken out?
病人: 什么时候这根管子能够拔掉呢?
Nurse: It can be taken out when the gas inside has been drained out,the X-ray shows your lung functions are normal,and you do not feel chest pain any more.
护士: 等到你胸腔内的积气排出,并且X线片证实肺部膨胀良好,你的胸闷症状也完全改善后,这根管子就可以拔掉了。
Patient: Could I exercise like playing ball and running after I leave the hospital?
病人: 出院后我还可以打球、跑步运动吗?
Nurse: I’m sorry there must be some limit to vigorous exercises. Also,you should avoid lifting weight,acute coughing and holding your breath. You also need to keep a regular bowel movement.
护士: 很遗憾,可能对一些剧烈运动会有些限制了。同时你还要避免抬举重物、剧烈咳嗽、屏气,也要保持大便通畅。
Patient: After hearing your explanation,I don’t feel nervous any more.
病人: 听了你的讲述后,我的心里踏实多了。