3.4 考研真题详解
1. Shares may not be issued and sold by the corporation for less than their par value therefore it is sometimes advisable not to state any par value at all or state a par value lower than the estimated market price.(对外经贸大学2005研)
2. After the prospective local partner and the foreign firm have held initial discussions and if interest is manifested between the two, a letter of intent is usually prepared, either by one of them, or, preferably, by both who jointly sign it.(对外经贸大学2006研)
【解析】此句中a letter of intent译作“意向书”,jointly sign译作“共同签署”,这些翻译都符合经济学里的一些术语。
3. If currency appreciation speeds up, that will change.(北京外国语大学2008研)
4. The Articles of Incorporation must state the number of shares and the characteristics of the stock.(对外经贸大学2005研)
1. The establishment of communication between people belonging to different speech communities has long been an important form of linguistic performance.(北师大2008研)
2. It has guided policymaking and inspired new national laws.(北京外国语大学2012研)
3. The emphasis on the readership and the setting, and therefore on naturalness, ease of understanding and an appropriate register, when these factors are appropriate.(北京外国语大学2008研)
4. In that sense, unemployment is countercyclical, meaning that it rises when economic growth is low and vice versa.(北京外国语大学2011研)
5. In their quest to lower costs to stay competitive, companies often wield the ax with little or no regard for the well-being of the people involved.(北京外国语大学2009研)
6. It is the unanimous view of our committee that America today faces a serious and intensifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living.(北京外国语大学2011研)
1. On the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, towering white wind turbines are popping up where only cattle, sheep and herders on horseback once roamed.(北京外国语大学2012研)
【解析】Inner Mongolia指的是“内蒙古”,采用的是音意合译的方法。
2. If the currency union were a normal fixed exchange rate arrangement, it would collapse, as did the gold standard in the 1930s and the Bretton Woods system in the 1970s.(北京外国语大学2013研)
【译文】如果欧元区这个货币联盟只是一个一般的固定汇率安排机制,那么它注定会瓦解,就像金本位和布雷顿森林体系(Bretton Woods system)分别于上世纪30年代和70年代瓦解那样。
3. Under the influence of the Department of ‘Theoretical and Applied Linguistics’ of Karl-Marx University of Leipzig, the word Translation recently made its way into the German language; this word is now often, though not generally used in the German speaking world as an umbrella term for translating and interpreting to denote interlingual communication.(北师大2008研)
4. Because unemployment follows growth with a delay, it is called a lagging indicator of economic activity.(北京外国语大学2011研)
【解析】lagging indicator为经济学的术语,译为“滞后指标”。
5. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 5th inst. And regret to learn that you are unable to extend the subject L/C.(北京第二外国语学院2009研)
6. Please quote us your lowest price FOB London for walnut.(北京第二外国语学院2008研)
【解析】句中price FOB术语在经济学中称为“离岸价格报价”。
7. Because of the lack of cultural toughness-the ability to succeed in an alien culture, they are easily subject to the suffering of what is called “culture shock”.(北京第二外国语学院2007研)
【解析】此句中“culture shock”为文化用词,译为“文化震荡”。
8. An earlier trade row was settled in 1992 with a bilateral agreement that limited Airbus’s launch aid to 33% of the development costs of a new plane, while indirect support to Boeing (from the Pentagon and NASA) was restricted to 4% of its turnover.(北京林业大学2005研)
【解析】该句中bilateral agreement译作“双边协议”,the Pentagon译作“美国五角大楼”,NASA译作“宇航局”。
9. To read a text as literature is not to make one’s mind a tabula rasa and approach it without preconceptions; one must bring to it an implicit understanding of the operations of literary discourse which tells one what to look for.(北师大2004研)
【解析】tabula rasa意为“空白,白板”,因为在汉语中找不到合适的同义习语可供套用,于是用意译法配合上下文把英语习语的含义表达出来。
10. Schools which are likely to be in the band one group can now heave a sigh of relief—they no longer have to fight tooth and nail for the top spot.(国际关系学院2009研)
【解析】此句中fight tooth and nail译作“对……耿耿于怀”,用意译法配合上下文把英语习语的含义表达出来。
11. Thoreau had his own firm sense of that balance: save on the petty in order to spend on the essential.(上海交大2005研)