第5章 英帝国的兴起和衰落(1688—1990)
5.1 复习笔记
Ⅰ.Whigs and Tories
Ⅱ. Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century
Ⅲ. The Industrial Revolution (1780—1830)
Ⅳ. The Chartist Movement (1836—1848)
Ⅴ. Trade Unions and the Labour Party
Ⅵ.Colonial Expansion
1.The growth of dominions
2.The Conquest of India
3.The Scramble for Africa
4.Aggression against China
Ⅶ.Twentieth Century
1.Britain and the First World War
2.Britain Between the Two World Wars
3.Britain and the Second World War
4.Postwar Britain
Ⅰ.Whigs and Tories
These two party names originated with the Glorious Revolution (1688). The Whigs were to form a coalition with dissident Tories in the mid-19th century and become the Liberal Party. The Tories were the forerunners of the Conservative Party.
Ⅱ. Agricultural Changes in the Late 18th Century
1. Farming was an important occupation in England in the 18th century.
2. In the mid-18th century the population in England increased rapidly, depending on the countryside for food.
3. Enclosure became more frequent after 1740 and climaxed during the turn of the century. Agricultural enclosure had good as well as bad results.
Ⅱ. 18世纪晚期的农业变化
1. 18世纪,农业是英国一个重要的职业。
2. 18世纪中期,英国的人口增长迅速,主要依靠农村的粮食供给。
3. 1740年以后,圈地运动更为频繁,世纪之交时达到高潮。圈地运动既带来了好的结果,又带来了坏的结果。
Ⅲ. The Industrial Revolution (1780—1830)
1. The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
2. As a result of the industrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of the world”.
Ⅲ.工业革命 (1780—1830)
Ⅳ. The Chartist Movement (1836—1848)
1. There was widespread dissatisfaction with the Reform Act of 1832 and the New Poor Law. In 1836 a group of workers formed the London Working Men’s Association. It aimed “to seek by every legal means to place all classes of society in possession of equal political and social rights”.
2. Chartism failed but the Chartist movement was the first nationwide working class movement and drew attention to serious problems.
Ⅳ.宪章运动 (1836—1848)
1. 1832年的《改革法案》和《新济贫法》引起了广泛的不满。1836年,一群工人组成了伦敦工人协会。目的在于“通过合法手段,使社会的所有阶级都能享有平等的政治和社会权利”。
Ⅴ. Trade Unions and the Labour Party
1. After the Chartist Movement, a new kind of trade unionism developed among skilled workers, such as the Amalgamated Society of Engineers (ASE).
2. In 1900, representatives of trade unions, the Independent Labour Party and other socialist societies set up the Labour Representation Committee (LRC). The LRC changed its name to the Labour Party in 1906.
2. 1900年,工会和独立工党的代表以及其他社会组织成立了工党代表委员会。1906年更名为工党。
Ⅵ.Colonial Expansion
1. The growth of dominions
①In the late 18th century Britain acquired vast territories: Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
②Canada was ceded to Britain by the 1763 Treaty of Paris.
③In 1901, the independent Commonwealth of Australia was established.
④New Zealand became a dominion under the British crown in 1907, and was made completely independent in 1931.
2.The Conquest of India
①By 1819 the British conquest of India was almost complete.
②In 1857 the native troops of the Bengal army mutinied. Then the control of India passed to the British Crown in 1858.
3. The Scramble for Africa
By 1900 more than 9/10 had been colonized. Britain took over vast productive areas of Africa, but France, Portugal, Belgium, Germany and Italy all claimed a share.
4. Aggression against China
①The British colonialists launched a war of aggression against China in 1840. The Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing) was signed. A second war (1856—1858) ended with the treaties of Tianjin (1858).
②By 1900 Britain had built up a big empire, “on which the sun never set”. It included 25 % of the world’s population and area.
Ⅶ.Twentieth Century
1. Britain and the First World War
The war was fought from 1914 to 1918. During World War Ⅰ Britain lost over a million people and suffered considerable disruption of the economy and society.
2. Britain Between the Two World Wars
The First World War had great effects on British society. The postwar boom was over within two years. There were strikes and hunger marches and political unrest.
3. Britain and the Second World War
①The German troops invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Chamberlain was forced to declare war on Germany on September 3.
②Winston Churchill took over as Prime Minister in 1940. He led his country to final victory in 1945.
③In the Second World War, Britain lost one-quarter of her national wealth and entered upon a period of economic difficulties.
4.Postwar Britain
①The war hastened the end of Britain’s empire. India, Burma and several British colonies in Africa won their independence.
②When George Ⅵ died in 1952, Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ in Westminster Abbey.
③The 1960s were the Swinging Sixties, the permissive age.
④In January, 1973, Britain finally became a full member of the European Economic Community.
⑤The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain.
⑥In 1982 the Falkland Islands War broke out.