第11章 乔纳森•斯威夫特
11.1 复习笔记
Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) (乔纳森·斯威夫特)
1.Life (生平)
Jonathan Swift was a satirist, essayist, political pamphleteer, poet and cleric. He was born of poor English parents in Dublin. At Dublin University, he detested the curriculum, reading only what appealed to his own nature. After graduation, he worked for a distant relative, Sir William Temple, a statesman and diplomat. He spent ten best years of his life in Moor Park, where he read and studied widely. Well aware of his literary superiority and unbearable of his being looked down upon, Swift left his patron, entered the Church of England, and later settled in a little church in Ireland.
Then he gradually developed his satiric talent, gave up his church to enter the strife of party politics. He became a dictator in the literature field. Later he became the Dean of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin, where he stayed with the Irish in their fight for improving their lot. Swift had been afflicted from his earliest youth with a brain disease which caused him intense pain. Finally his disease ended in madness, and after suffering great pain, he died in utter misery in 1745. In his will, he bequeathed all his property to the building of a madhouse in Dublin. It is now still there, called “Dr. Swift’s Madhouse”.
2.Writing Style (写作风格)
(1) Swift is one of the greatest masters of English prose. His language is simple, clear and vigorous. He said, “Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style.”
(2) He is a master satirist, and his irony is deadly. But his satire is masked by an outward gravity, and an apparent calmness conceals his bitter irony.
3.Major Works (主要作品)
The Battle of the Books (1704)《书战》
A Tale of a Tub (1704)《一只桶的故事》
Bickerstaff Almanac (1708)《比克斯塔福历书》
Gulliver’s Travels (1726)《格列佛游记》
Drapier’s Letters (1726)《布商来信》
A Modest Proposal (1729)《一个温和的建议》
4.Selected Works (选读作品)
◆Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》
The book describes the extraordinary adventures of Doctor Lemuel Gulliver, with depictions of fantastic lands visited by him, their social systems, ways and customs of inhabitants. The story is divided into four parts.
In the first part,Gulliver dscribes his shipwreck in Lilliput where the tallest people were six inches high. In his account of two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels, Swift satirizes the Tories and the Whigs in England. Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians: “ Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?”
The second part is about the voyage to Brobdingnag. The King of Brobdingnag often consults Gulliver on European affairs, and Gulliver’s answers are a biting satire on contemporary politics.
The third part depicts the odd phenomenon on the flying island of Laputa: people are obsessed with abstract speculations. It is a irony on scholastics and philosophers.
In the last part, Gulliver’s satire is of the bitterest. Swift typifies the bourgeois world in the repellent images of man-like creatures--Yahoos. He also drew ruthless pictures of the depraved aristocracy and satirically portrayed the whole of the English state system.
◆A Modest Proposal《一个温和的建议》
“A Modest Proposal” is one of Swift’s most important pamphlets on Ireland. In the essay, Swift first described the miserable living conditions of the poor people in Ireland. Then he proposed a scheme to solve the problem that poor people should sell their babies at one year old to the rich as delicious food. The essay is full of bitter irony, and in fact Swift is saying “the English are devouring the Irish”. This essay expresses Swift’s indignation towards the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the English ruling class, especially of the poor Irish peasants by the rich English absentee landlords.