The feeling without publicity, was one of the wind Acacia completed, as the slightest ray of loose, with no less than the accumulation.
For you
Do you know that missing is a kind of sweet sadness, a kind of warm pain? And the feeling without publicity, was one of the wind Acacia completed, with no less than the accumulation. But we can not forget all that.你可知道思念是一种甜蜜的惆怅?思念是一种温馨的痛苦?那毫不张扬的情感就像风,吹落遍地相思,无法堆积起来,让我们难以释怀。
Words and Phrases
publicity[pʌbˈlɪsətɪ] n.宣传,宣扬
loose[lu:s] adj.松的;松散的
loosely[ˈlu:slɪ] adv.松散地;宽松地
loosen[ˈlu:sn] v.松开;放松
loose-fitting[lu:sˈfɪtɪŋ] adj.宽松的
accumulation[əˌkju:mjəˈleɪʃn] n.积聚;累积
accumulate[əˈkju:mjəleɪt] v.堆积;积累