At first, each man will have a woman like cherry, who falls, but is destined to decadence.
Words and Phrases
cherry[ˈtʃerɪ] n.樱桃;樱桃树;樱花树
destined[ˈdestɪnd] adj.注定的;预定的
be destined to 注定的;一定会
doom[du:m] n.厄运;注定;v.注定;判定
destine[ˈdestɪn] v.注定;预定
decadence[ˈdekədəns] n.颓败;衰落
cherish[ˈtʃerɪʃ] v.珍爱,爱护
enamoured[ɪˈnæməd] adj.珍爱的,喜爱的
For you
Do you still remember the bitter and sweet first love? We will always cherish memories of the first love in our deep hearts even if the love has passed by. In the life, each man will have a woman like cherry, who is destined to falling and decadence.你还记得那苦中带甜的初恋吗?任时光荏苒,我们依旧将初恋的回忆珍藏在内心深处。生命里,每个男人都会有一个樱花般的女子,注定凋落、颓败。