Unit 3 参加面试 At an Interview
I have an interview at a publishing firm.
相关词interviewee[intəvju:ˈi:] n.被接见者;被采访者;
interviewer[ˈintəvju:ə] n.接见者;采访者;
interview skills面试技巧
telephone[ˈtelifəun] n.电话,电话机
Is your company's telephone number 67548231?
同义词telephone set电话机
相关词telephoner[ˈtelifəunə] n.打电话的人;
telephonist[tiˈlefənist] n.话务员,电话接线员;
telephonic[ˌteliˈfɔnik] adj.电话的;用电话传送的;
习语on the telephone接上电话;接通电话
meet[mi:t] v.遇见;见面
Where is the best place to meet you?
相关词meeting[ˈmi:tiŋ] n.会议;come across偶遇
相关短语meet up(with sb)偶遇(某人)
习语meet one's Waterloo(在比赛中)惨败;
make both ends meet使收支相抵;
meet one's Maker死,见上帝
discuss[disˈkʌs] v.讨论;谈论;论述
I think we need to discuss his interview as soon as possible.
同义词talk over讨论
相关词discussion[disˈkʌʃən] n.讨论;辩论;
discussional[disˈkʌʃənəl] adj.讨论的;
discussant[disˈkʌsənt] n.应邀参加讨论的人
相关短语beyond discussion无讨论余地;
associative discussion自由讨论
习语under discussion正在讨论中
arrange[əˈreindʒ] v.准备安排;筹备
I applied for a job in your company, and can you arrange an interview for me?
相关词arrangeable[əˈreindʒəbl] adj.准备的;
arranger[əˈreindʒə] n.筹备者;
arrangement[əˈreindʒmənt] n.筹备
相关短语come to an arrangement谈妥,达成协议;
arrange with sb about sth与某人商定某事;
make arrangement with sb和某人达成协议
convenience[kənˈvi:niəns] n.方便;合适
Please come at your convenience to have an interview.
反义词inconvenience[ˌinkənˈvi:niəns] n.不方便
相关词convenient[kənˈvi:niənt] adj.方便的;
conveniently[kənˈvi:niəntli] adv.方便地;
convenience food方便食品
相关短语as a matter of convenience为了方便起见;
for the convenience of为了……方便起见;
make a convenience of sb任意利用某人
习语at one's convenience在方便的时候及在适宜的地方;
at your earliest convenience尽早
appointment[əˈpɔintmənt] n.约会;约定;任命
Can you arrange an appointment with me tomorrow?
相关词appoint[əˈpɔint] v.约定;决定;
appointed[əˈpɔintid] adj.约定的;
appointee[əˌpɔinˈti:] n.被任命者;
appointments[əˈpɔintmənts] n.设备;家具;
appointor[əˈpɔintə] n.指定人(有权指定遗产等之受益者的人)
相关短语make an appointment with sb与某人约会
postpone[pəustˈpəun] v.推迟,延期
May I ask you to postpone the interview until the day after tomorrow?
同义词delay[diˈlei] v.延期,推迟;put off推迟
相关词postponer[pəustˈpəunə] n.延迟者,使延缓者;
postponement[ˌpəustˈpəunmənt] n.延期,推迟
习语postpone the evil hour/day缓做终须做的厌恶事
suit[sju:t] v.合适;中意
We will never find a time that suits everyone.
相关词suitable[ˈsju:təbl] adj.合适的;
suitability[ˌsju:təˈbiləti] n.适当;相配;适合
相关短语suit one's/sb's book对某人方便;合某人的心意;
suit sb down to the ground对某人非常方便或合适
advance[ədˈvɑ:ns] adj.预先的
You should call in advance before your interview.
相关词advancing[ædˈvɑ:nsiŋ] adj.前进的;
advancer[ədˈvɑ:nsə] n.前进者;
advanced[ədˈvɑ:nst] adj.预先的;先进的
相关短语be advanced in years上了年纪,年事已高
习语in advance(of sth)预先,事先,事前
information[ˌinfəˈmeiʃən] n.信息;消息;情报
I am eager to learn further information about our interview.
同义词message[ˈmesidʒ] n.信息
相关词inform[inˈfɔ:m] v.告诉,通知;报告;
informant[inˈfɔ:mənt] n.报告者;告密者;
informational[ˌinfəˈmeiʃənəl] adj.新闻的;情报的;
informer[inˈfɔ:mə] n.告密的人;密探
相关短语as far as our information goes照我们现有的资料来看,就我们所知
习语a mine of information知识的宝库,信息的源泉
office[ˈɔfis] n.办公室;处,所,局;职务
The interview will be in my office. So come to my office directly tomorrow.
相关词officer[ˈɔfisə] n.工作人员;
official[əˈfiʃəl] adj.官员的;公务上的;
officiary[əˈfiʃiəri] n.官员团;
officiate[əˈfiʃieit] v.行使(职务);主持(会议)
相关短语be in office在职;当政;
do the office of担任……职务
习语lay down office辞职;
through sb's good offices承某人的好意协助
building[ˈbildiŋ] n.建筑物;建筑
You can see a tall building on the left side of the supermarket.
同义词construction[kənˈstrʌkʃən] n.建筑,建筑物
相关词buildable[ˈbildəbl] adj.可以建造的;
building site建筑工地;
building society房屋建筑协会
相关短语not built that way(口)不是那样的人,不是那种性格的人
mansion[ˈmænʃən] n.大厦;(豪华的)宅邸
The company's headquarters is in that mansion.
相关词Executive Mansion总统官邸(即白宫);
lunar mansions(天)宿,二十八宿
block[blɔk] n.大楼;街区;障碍物
Go to the end of this street, turn right, and walk two blocks.
相关词blockage[ˈblɔkidʒ] n.封锁;堵塞;障碍;
blocked[blɔkt] adj.封锁的,闭塞的
习语have a block(about sth)因情绪紧张而不能了解;
a chip off the old block性格像父亲的人(尤指男的)
occasion[əˈkeiʒən] n.时刻;场合;时机
On the occasion of your interview, you shouldn't have said that thing.
习语on the occasion of在……的时候;
have a sense of occasion有场合意识或应景观念
I'm calling to confirm my interview.
同义词verify[ˈverifai] v.证实
相关词confirmation[ˌkɔnfəˈmeiʃən] n.确立;证实;
confirmative[kənˈfə:mətiv] adj.确证的,确定的;
confirmable[kənˈfə:məbl] adj.可确定的;能证实的;
confirmed[kənˈfə:md] adj.习惯的;根深蒂固的
相关短语in confirmation of以便证实……
position[pəˈziʃən] n.位置;职位;情形
When is it most convenient for me to visit you to talk about the position?
相关词positional[pəˈziʃənəl] adj.位置的;地位的;
position-setting[pəˈziʃənˈsetiŋ] n.定位;
position-sensor [pəˈziʃənˈsensə] n.位置感应器
相关短语place in an awkward position使处于尴尬的境地;
be in a position to能够;有做……的机会
习语in a false position处于被人误解的地位;处于违背原则的境地;
out of position不得其所;在不适当的位置
exact[igˈzækt] adj.精密严谨的;确切的v.强求;索取
I am calling to ask the exact interview time.
相关词exactable[igˈzæktəbl] adj.可强求的;可强取的;
exactness[igˈzæktnis] n.正确;精确;
exactor[igˈzæktə] n.勒索者;强要者;
exactitude[igˈzæktitju:d] n.正确;严谨;
exactly[igˈzæktli] adv.精确地;确切地;
exacting[igˈzæktiŋ] adj.苛求的;严格的;
exaction[igˈzækʃən] n.强求;强索
相关短语be more exact更确切地说
right[rait] adj.正确的;合适的;n.权利
Where is the right place of the interview?
相关词right-about[ˈraitəbaut] n.相反方向;向后转;
rightness[ˈraitnis] n.正确性;正义性;
righteous[ˈraitʃəs] adj.公正的;公义的;
rightful[ˈraitfəl] adj.正义的;合法的
习语all right on the night(指表演等)到时候准能使人满意;
get sth right清楚无误地了解某物;
a bite of all right非常吸引人或讨人喜欢的人或事物;
the rights and wrongs of sth事实;真相
谚语We only live once, but if we work it right, once is enough.生命只有一回,但如果我们活得有意义的话,一回就足够了。
second[ˈsekənd] adj.第二的;次等的;再一个的num.第二
Please come back for a second interview tomorrow morning.
相关词second childhood老年的智力衰退时期;
second best仅次于最好的;
second nature第二天性;根深蒂固的习惯;
second interview面试复试
相关短语on second thoughts经过重新考虑
习语second only to sb/sth仅次于某人或某事物;
second to none不亚于任何人;
get one's second wind极疲倦后重新感到有精力
round[raund] n.一局(轮);巡回;一连串;一系列adj.圆形的;球形的
Please remember to attend the first round of interviews tomorrow.
相关词round-eyed[ˈraundaid] adj.(因惊讶感叹等)睁大眼睛的;
roundup[ˈraundʌp] v.把……聚集在一起;包围
相关短语go one's rounds兜圈子;
show sb round带某人到处游玩;
taking it all round从各方面来看;从各方面考虑
习语make one's rounds例行巡视;
do/go the rounds of到各处玩乐;到一处又一处;
go the round of流传;散播
notify[ˈnəutifai] v.通知;报告
I will notify all the applicants to come for an interview tomorrow.
相关词notification[ˌnəutifiˈkeiʃən] n.通知;报告;
notifiable[ˈnəutiˌfaiəbl] adj.(指疾病因危险)依法须报告卫生当局的;
notifier[ˈnəutifaiə] n.通知人;通告人
相关短语notify sb of sth将某事报告某人
apprise[əˈpraiz] v.通知
Please apprise me the exact time.
相关词apprisement[əˈpraizmənt] n.报告;通知
相关短语apprise sb of sth告知某人某事;
be apprised that已获悉……
be apprised of被告知;了解
form[fɔ:m] n.表格;形式
I'll send you an application form.
同义词table[ˈteibl] n.表格;
tabulation[ˌtæbjuˈleiʃən] n.表格
相关词formless[ˈfɔ:mlis] adj.无条理的
相关短语after the form of照……的格式;
fill out a form填表格
谚语Envy is the sincerest form of flattery.
bring[briŋ] v.带来;促使;产生
Please complete the form and bring it with you when you come for an interview.
反义词take[teik] v.带走
相关短语bring home to sb使某人深切感到;
bring in on准许参加;通知;
bring oneself to下决心;费力;
bring up against使面对;
bring up as far as使上升到;
bring forward提出;提议;
bring down on oneself招致
place[pleis] n.地方,地位;v.放置;安排
The interview will take place at our company's conference room at 9 a.m. next Tuesday.
相关词placeless[pleislis] adj.没有固定位置的;
placeable[ˈpleisəbl] adj.可被确定位置的;
place-kick[ˈpleisˌkik] v.(足球、橄榄球)定位踢
习语all over the place到处;
have one's heart in the right place怀有真情或善意;
put oneself in sb else's/sb's place设想自己处于他人的地位或处境;
take place发生;
be placed(体)名列前三名
work[wə:k] n.工作;职业
What time did you start your first work?
相关词workaholic[ˌwə:kəˈhɔlik] n.工作狂,闲不下来的人;
working[ˈwə:kiŋ] adj.工人的;劳动的;
workforce[ˈwə:kfɔ:s] n.劳动力,工人总数;
workability[ˌwə:kəˈbiliti] n.工作能力
习语all in a day's work司空见惯
谚语All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
job[dʒɔb] n.工作;职业;职位
What other jobs have you done before?
相关词jobbing[ˈdʒɔbiŋ] n.做临时工(重复性很小的工作);
jobless[ˈdʒɔblis] adj.失业的;
task[tɑ:sk] n.任务;工作
习语have a devil of a job doing sth觉得某事十分困难;
make the best of a bad job在困境中尽力而为,随遇而安
apply[əˈplai] v.申请;请求
When I saw the advertisement, I applied immediately by letter.
相关词application[ˌæpliˈkeiʃən] n.应用;申请;
applicant[ˈæplikənt] n.申请人;
applicator[ˈæplikeitə] n.涂药器
相关短语apply to sb for sth为……向某人申请;
apply oneself to doing sth集中精力做事
resume[riˈzju:m] n.简历
I wrote my address and telephone number on the resume.
相关词diploma[diˈpləumə] n.文凭;
background[ˈbækgraund] n.背景;
CV=curriculum vitae简历
certify[ˈsə:tifai] v.证明
There is nobody who can certify that this wallet is yours.
相关词certificated[səˈtifikeitid] adj.合格的;
certification[ˌsə:tifiˈkeiʃən] n.证明;证书;鉴定;
certificate[səˈtifikit] n.证书;
certifier[ˈsə:tifaiə] n.证明者
相关短语certify sb/sth as sth(尤指书面)证明某事物
vacancy[ˈveikənsi] n.空缺;空职
There is not a vacancy for an editor right now.
同义词empty ['empti]n.空缺
相关词vacant[ˈveikənt] adj.空虚的;空的
相关短语vacant possession空房出售
experience[iksˈpiəriəns] n.经验
She has much experience of teaching.
相关词experienced[iksˈpiəriənst] adj.有经验的;
experiential[iksˌpiəriˈenʃəl] adj.经验的,凭经验的;
experiencer[ikˈspiəriənsə] n.经验者;感受者;
inexperience[ˌiniksˈpiəriəns] n.缺乏处世之道或知识
谚语Experience is the mother of wisdom.实践出真知。
Experience keeps no school; she teaches her pupils singly.只有亲自取得的经验才是经验。
memory[ˈmeməri] n.记忆;回忆
Can you tell us which thing you have a vivid memory of?
相关词memoryless[ˈmemərilis] adj.无记忆的
相关短语as memory serves每逢想起;
within the memory of man有史以来
习语to the memory of sb作为对某人的纪念;
to the best of one's memory记忆所及
impress[imˈpres] v.给……深刻的印象;使铭记
He tried his best to impress me with his broad knowledge of foreign literature.
相关词impressive[imˈpresiv] adj.给人深刻印象的;
impressionistic[imˌpreʃəˈnistik] adj.印象主义的;印象派的;
impressment[imˈpresmənt] n.强迫征兵,强征
相关短语impress sb with sth用……给某人留下印象
perfect[pəˈfekt] adj.完美的;完全的
No one is perfect.
同义词faultless[ˈfɔ:ltləs] adj.完美的;
flawless[ˈflɔ:lis] adj.完美的
反义词imperfect[imˈpə:fikt] adj.不完全的
相关词perfector[pəˈfektə] n.两面印刷机;
perfectness[pəˈfektnis] n.完美
习语Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
desire[diˈzaiə] v.渴望;要求,请求;n.愿望;欲望
I desire that I can stay in your company and make friends with you.
相关词desirable[diˈzaiərəbl] adj.理想的;令人满意的;
desirability[diˌzaiərəˈbiləti] n.有利条件;合意
相关短语at sb's desire应某人的要求;
have a strong desire to do sth迫切想做某事
习语leave a lot to be desired非常不满意;有待改进
ambition[æmˈbiʃən] n.雄心;志向
We young people should have great ambition.
相关词ambitious[æmˈbiʃəs] adj.有雄心的;野心勃勃的;有抱负的;
ambitiously[æmˈbiʃəsli] adv.雄心勃勃地
相关短语be ambitious of success渴望成功;
be ambitious to serve the people一心想为人民服务
choose[tʃu:z] v选择;挑选
You can choose one kind of work you like among these.
反义词reject[riˈdʒekt] v.拒绝
相关词choice[tʃɔis] n.选择;挑选;抉择;
chooser[ˈtʃu:zə] n.选择者;选举人
习语There is nothing to choose between A and B.
select[siˈlekt] v.挑选,选拔
The boss selected him from many interviewees.
相关词selection[siˈlekʃən] n.选择,挑选;
selective[siˈlektiv] adj.选择的;精挑细选的;
selectivity[silekˈtiviti] n.选择性,选择度;
selector[siˈlektə] n.选择者;挑选者;精选者;
selectee[siˌlekˈti:] n.选征合格士兵,应征兵
相关短语be selected from among sth从……中被选择出来
plan[plæn] n.计划;方案;平面图
We are interested in your career plan.
同义词scheme[ski:m] n.计划,方案
相关词planner[ˈplænə] n.计划者;规划师;
planning[ˈplæniŋ] n.计划编制;规划
习语go according to plan顺利进行;按计划实现
probation[prəuˈbeiʃən] n.试用期
Only you pass the probation can you be one formal employee.
相关词probationary[prəˈbeiʃnəri] adj.试用的;缓刑的;
probationer[prəˈbeiʃənə] n.试用人员;见习生
习语on probation(指违法者)服缓刑
skill[ˈskil] n.技能
She has great skill in telling stories.
相关词skilled[skild] adj.有技能的;熟练的;
skilful[ˈskilfəl] adj.巧妙的;技术好的;
unskilled[ˌʌnˈskild] adj.不熟练的;未成熟的;拙劣的;
forte[fɔ:t] n.专长;特长;
diffuse skills社交能力
相关短语skilled in/at sth/doing sth熟练的;有能力的
master[ˈmɑ:stə] v.精通,掌握;n.主人
He quickly mastered the skills of interview.
相关词masterful[ˈmæstəfəl] adj.技艺精湛的;
mastery[ˈmæstəri] n.精通;掌握;
mastermind[ˈmɑ:stəmaind] n.具有极大才智的人
相关短语be master of精通;掌握
expertise[ˌekspə:ˈti:z] n.专门技能,专长
He has at least three kinds of expertise.
同义词expertness[ˈɛkspətnis] n.专门知识,专门技术
相关词expertize[ˈekspətaiz] v.提出专业性意见;
expertizer[ˈekspətaizə] n.任专家;做专业性判断;
expertly[ˈekspətli] adv.熟练地;巧妙地;
expert[ˈekspə:t] n.专家;
technical expertise技术专长
specialism[ˈspeʃəlizəm] n.专业;专门研究
In university, his specialism was tax law.
相关词specialist[ˈspeʃəlist] n.专家;专科医生;
speciality[ˌspeʃiˈæliti] n.专长;
specialize[ˈspeʃəlaiz] v.专攻;
specialization[ˌspeʃəlaiˈzeiʃən] n.专门化;特殊化
punctual[ˈpʌŋktjuəl] adj.严守时刻的,准时的;正点的
The interview will start at 10:00 a.m., and the interviewees are required to be punctual.
同义词clocklike[ˈklɔklaik] adj.准时的
相关词punctuality[ˌpʌŋktjuˈæliti] n.严守时刻,准时;
punctually[ˈpʌŋktjuəli] adv.准时地;
procrastinate[prəuˈkræstineit] v.耽搁,拖延;
dilatory[ˈdilətəri] adj.慢吞吞的;磨蹭的
recommend[ˌrekəˈmend] v.推荐
My tutor recommended me to come to your company.
同义词commend[kəˈmend] v.推荐
相关词recommendable[ˌrekəˈmendəbl] adj.可推荐的;值得推荐的;
recommendatory[ˌrekəˈmendətəri] adj.推荐的;
recommender[ˌrekəˈmendə] n.推荐系统
evaluate[iˈvæljueit] v.评估,评价
How would you evaluate yourself?
同义词assess[əˈses] v.估价;value[ˈvælju:] v.评价;
estimate[ˈestimeit] v.评价;
rate [reit]v.评估
相关词evaluation[iˌvæljuˈeiʃən] n.评价;
evaluative[iˈvæljueitiv] adj.可评估的
face[feis] n.表面;脸;表情;v.面对;面向
I want to ask you a few questions face to face.
同义词confront[kənˈfrʌnt] v.面对;面临
相关词faceable[ˈfeisæbl] adj.可面对的;可接近的;
face-ache[ˈfeiseik] n.面部神经痛;
facedown[ˈfeisdaun] adv.面朝下地;
faceless[ˈfeislis] adj.没脸面的;
face-cloth[ˈfeisˌklɔ:θ] n.毛巾;面巾
习语face to face面对面地看;
one's face falls脸沉下来(表示失望、沮丧等);
on the face of it就表面判断
谚语A good face is a letter of recommendation.
A fair face may hide a foul heart.人面兽心。
advertisement[ˈædvə:ˌtaismənt] n.广告;宣传
Can you tell me why you replied to our advertisement?
同义词advert[ədˈvə:t] n.广告
相关词advertising[ˈædvəˌtaiziŋ] adj.广告的;n.广告;广告业;
advertise[ˈædvətaiz] v.登广告;宣传;
advertiser[ˈædvəˌtaizə] n.广告商;广告客户;
advertistics[ədˈvə:tistiks] n.广告统计;
commercial advertisement商业广告;
television advertisement电视广告
realize[ˈriəlaiz] v.实现;了解;意识到
I can realize my dream here.
同义词come true实现
相关词realizable[ˈriəlaizəbl] adj.可实现的;
realization[ˌriəlaiˈzeiʃən] n.实现;领悟;
realized[ˈriəlaizd] adj.已实现的;
realizer[ˈriəlaizə] n.领悟者
相关短语realize the value实现价值;
realize the dream of实现……的梦想;
realize from从……中获利;从……中赚钱;
realize a profit赚得利润
The work is out of line with my professional knowledge.
相关词lined[laind] adj.衬里的;衬垫的
习语all along the line全部地;全面地;
lay it on the line实话实说;
out of line不成一直线;出格;越轨;
give sb a line on sth把某事的消息告诉某人;
in line with sth与某事物类似或一致
谚语One must draw the line somewhere.
A smile is a curved line that sets things straight.
background[ˈbækgraund] n.背景;幕后v.提供背景
I feel my background is a good fit for this position and I am very interested in it.
反义词forehand[ˈfɔ:hænd] n.前方;领先的地位
相关词backgrounder[ˈbækˌɡraundə] n.后台运行;记者招待会;
cultural background文化背景
相关短语stand in the background处于隐蔽地位;不出面;
throw/drive/push/relegate into the background推到幕后;置于次要的地位;
home background家庭情况
习语on deep background深层幕后消息来源
expiry[iksˈpaiəri] n.满期;逾期
I'm leaving the present job just because of expiry of my employment contract.
相关词expire[iksˈpaiə] v.终止;期满;
expirer[ikˈspaiərə] n.满期者;
expiration[ˌekspiˈreiʃən] n.终止;期满;
expiry date终止日期;有效期限
相关短语at the expiry of the term期满;
expiry of tenancy租约期满;
expiry of employment雇用期满
initiative[iˈniʃətiv] n.首创精神;主动权adj.自发的;初步的
I have initiative and good communication skill.
同义词initiatory[iˈniʃiətəri] adj.初步的
相关词initiatively[iˈniʃətivli] adv.自发地;初步地;
initiate[iˈniʃieit] v.开始;创始;
initial[iˈniʃəl] adj.开始的;最初的
习语on one's own initiative主动地;
take the initiative带头;争取主动;
have the initiative掌握主动权;有优先权
谚语Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.
venture[ˈventʃə] v.大胆表示;冒昧地说n.冒险;投机
May I venture to ask you a question?
相关词venturer[ˈventʃərə] n.冒险者;投机者;
venturesome[ˈventʃəsəm] adj.冒险的;不顾一切的
相关短语venture on/upon sth敢于尝试做某事;
ready for any venture不辞任何危险
习语at a venture随便地;碰运气地;胡乱地
谚语Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
proficiency[prəˈfiʃənsi] n.熟练;精通
He shows proficiency in the use of office softwares.
相关词proficient[prəˈfiʃənt] adj.熟练的;精通的;
proficiency test水平测试;熟练测试;
technical proficiency技术熟练;技术水平
相关短语proficiency in sth/doing sth精通;熟练
involve[inˈvɔlv] v.使忙于;使陷入;包含
I'd like to get involved in programming.
同义词embroil[imˈbrɔil] v.使卷入;使陷入
相关词involved[inˈvɔlvd] adj.涉及的;复杂的;
involvement[inˈvɔlvmənt] n.牵连;包含;混乱
相关短语involve sb/sth in(doing)sth使某人/某事物参与某活动或陷入某情况;
be involved in包含在……被卷入……专心地做……
get involved with给……缠住
谚语Take into account that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.要知道伟大的爱情和伟大的成就都含有极大的风险。
absorb[əbˈsɔ:b] v.吸收;吸引……的注意;吞并
This interviewee can't absorb my attention.
同义词suck up吸收
相关词absorbability[əbˌsɔ:bəˈbiliti] n.被吸收性;
absorbable[əbˈsɔ:bəbl] adj.易被吸收的;
absorbing[əbˈsɔ:biŋ] adj.吸引人的;极有趣的;
absorbed[əbˈsɔ:bd] adj.精神集中的;
absorbent[əbˈsɔ:bənt] adj.能吸收水分的;
absorption[əbˈsɔ:pʃən] n.吸收;专心致志
相关短语be absorbed by被……吞并;为……所吸收;
absorb sb's attention吸引某人注意;
be absorbed in全神贯注在,一心从事;热衷于
decision[diˈsiʒən] n.决定;决心
I am willing to wait until you have come to a decision.
相关词decide[diˈsaid] v.决定;决心;
decision-making[diˈsiʒənˌmeikiŋ] n.决策;做出判定;
decisional[diˈsiʒənəl] adj.决策性的;决定性的;
decisive[diˈsaisiv] adj.决定性的;果断的
相关短语arrive at a decision做出决定;
give a decision for判决对……有利
result[riˈzʌlt] n.结果;成绩
I will tell you the results in two days.
同义词consequence[ˈkɔnsikwəns] n.结果;
outcome[ˈautkʌm] n.结果
相关词resultant[riˈzʌltənt] adj.结果的,有效果的;
resultful[riˈzʌltful] adj.有结果的;
resultless[riˈzʌltlis] adj.无结果的
相关短语as a result of作为……的结果;
result in造成……结果,导致;
result from起因于,由于
competent[ˈkɔmpitənt] adj.有能力的;能胜任的
We believe that you will be a very competent manager.
同义词capable[ˈkeipəbəl] adj.有能力的;能胜任的
反义词incompetent[inˈkɔmpitənt] adj.无能力的;不能胜任的
相关词competence[ˈkɔmpitəns] n.能力;胜任;
competently[ˈkɔmpitəntli] adv.有能力地;能胜任地
相关短语competent at/in sth能胜任的,能干的
expect[ikˈspekt] v.期待,盼望
We will expect you here next month. See you then.
同义词await[əˈweit] v.期待;
anticipate[ænˈtisipeit] v.期待
相关词expectable[ikˈspektəbl] adj.能预期的;
expectant[iksˈpektənt] adj.预期的;期待的;
expectancy[ikˈspektənsi] n.期待,期望
相关短语to be expected可能发生;相当正常;
expect too much of sb对(某人)期望过高
hire[ˈhaiə] v.租用;雇用
Congratulations to you. You are hired by the company.
同义词employ[imˈplɔi] v.雇用
反义词fire[ˈfaiə] v.解雇
相关词hireable[haiəbl] adj.可被雇用的;
hiree[haiəˈi:] n.被雇者;
hireling[ˈhaiəliŋ] adj.做雇用工作的;
hirer[haiərə] n.雇主
习语ply for hire揽客,等生意
perform[pəˈfɔ:m] v.表演;完成
In the interview you performed calmly, so we decided to hire you.
相关词performable[pəˈfɔ:məbl] adj.可执行的;可演出的;
performer[pəˈfɔ:mə] n.表演者;实行者;
performance[pəˈfɔ:məns] n.演出;履行;
performative[pəˈfɔ:mətiv] adj.表述行为的
contract[ˈkɔntrækt] n.契约,合同;v.订约,订合同
I have entered into a contract with a big company.
同义词compact[ˈkɔmpækt] n.契约,合同
相关词contractual[kənˈtræktjuəl] adj.契约上(规定)的,合同的;
contractile[kənˈtræktail] adj.会缩的,有收缩性的;
contraction[kənˈtrækʃən] n.契约;收缩;
contractor[kənˈtræktə] n.立约人;承包人
相关短语contract with sb for sth为某事与某人签订合同
习语be under contract to sb立约为某人工作;
put sth out to contract请人承包工作、供货等事
sign[sain] v.签署,签订
I think we had better make an appointment to sign the agreement.
相关词signable[ˈsainəbl] adj.适于签名的;需要签名的
相关短语sign sth away签字放弃(权利、财产等);
sign sth over to sb正式将所有权签字转让给某人
习语sign sb's/one's own death-warrant做出可能使自己致命或失败的事;
sign on the dotted line签署文件等
agreement[əˈgri:mənt] n.协定;契约
If you tear up the agreement, you will be punished.
相关词agreeable[əˈɡriəbl] adj.适合的;一致的;
agreeably[əˈɡriəbli] adv.同意地;一致地;
agreed[əˈɡri:d] adj.一致的;同意的
相关短语make an agreement with与……达成协议
习语a gentleman's agreement君子协定,绅士协定
reluctant[riˈlʌktənt] adj.不情愿的,勉强的
She was very reluctant to sign the agreement.
同义词unwilling[ʌnˈwiliŋ] adj.不情愿的
反义词willing[ˈwiliŋ] adj.愿意的,心甘情愿的
相关词reluctance[riˈlʌktəns] n.不情愿,勉强;
reluctantly[riˈlʌktəntli] adv.勉强地;
reluct[riˈlʌkt] v.不同意,勉强
cooperate[kəuˈɔpəreit] v.合作,协作;配合
Pleasure to cooperate with you.
同义词collaborate[kəˈlæbəreit] v.合作
相关词cooperation[kəuˌɔpəˈreiʃən] n.合作,协作;互助;
cooperative[kəuˈɔpərətiv] adj.合作的;共同的;
cooperator[kəuˈɔpəreitə] n.合作者;合作社社员;
collaborator[kəˈlæbəreitə] n.合作者;共同研究者
相关短语cooperate with sb(in doing/to do sth)与他人合作,协作
secretary[ˈsekrətri] n.秘书;书记
Do you know your duty as a secretary?
相关词secretarial[ˌsekrəˈtɛəriəl] adj.秘书的;书记的;
secretaryship[ˈsekrətəriʃip] n.秘书的职务;
general secretary秘书长;总书记;
secretarial assistant秘书助理
inspector[inˈspektə] n.检查员;监察员
Inspectors' job is very respectable.
同义词examiner[iɡˈzæminə] n.检查员
相关词inspect[inˈspekt] v.检查,审查;
inspection[inˈspekʃən] n.检查;调查;
inspectorship[inˈspektəʃip] n.检查员的职务和地位
manage[ˈmænidʒ] v.管理;经营
You will manage the company when the boss is away.
同义词govern[ˈgʌvən] v.管理;
administrate[ədˈministreit] v.管理;经营
相关词manageable[ˈmænidʒəbl] adj.可管理的,可处理的;
manager[ˈmænidʒə] n.经理;管理人;
managerial[ˌmænəˈdʒiəriəl] adj.经理的;经营上的;
manageability[ˌmænidʒəˈbiləti] n.可管理性;可处理性
principle[ˈprinsəpl] n.原则;原理
What principles did you adhere to when signing this agreement?
相关词principled[ˈprinsəpld] adj.原则(性)的,有原则的;
regulation[ˌregjuˈleiʃən] n.规章;规则;
theorem[ˈθiərəm] n.命题,定理,法则
相关短语against one's principle违反自己的原则;
as a matter of principle作为原则的问题
习语in principle原则上;
on principle依据自己的(道德)原则或所确定的信念
duty[ˈdju:ti] n.责任;义务;职责
Your duty is to deal with such problems.
同义词responsibility[ˌrispɔnsəˈbiliti] n.责任
相关词dutiable[ˈdju:tjəbl] adj.应缴税的;
dutiful[ˈdju:tifəl] adj.顺从的;本分的;忠实的;
dutifully[ˈdju:tifəli] adv.忠实地;忠贞地
相关短语be in duty bound to do sth有义务做某事;
fail in one's duty失职
习语one's bounden duty本分,义不容辞的责任;
in the line of duty在执行任务时
right[rait] n.权利
You have the right to decide whether to sign this contract or not .
相关词righten[ˈraitn] v.使恢复正常;整顿;
righteous[ˈraitʃəs] adj.正直的;正当的;
rightful[ˈraitful] adj.正义的;合法的;正当的
习语stand on one's rights坚持自己的权利
谚语Two wrongs don't make a right.
personnel[ˌpə:səˈnel] n.人员,员工;人事部门
Please contact the personnel department manager for more information.
相关词personnel department人事部门;
finance department财政部;
planning department策划部;
administrative department行政部
available[əˈveiləbəl] adj.可利用的;可得到的
I am available to start any time with just a few days notice.
相关词availability[əˌveiləˈbiliti] n.有效性;可实用性;
obtainable[əbˈteinəbl] adj.能得到的
相关短语make sth available to使……可以享受某物;使……买得起某物
nominate[ˈnɔmineit] v.提名;任命
He will be nominated as chairman of the board.
相关词nomination[nɔmiˈneiʃən] n.提名(为候选人);任命;
nominative[ˈnɔminətiv] adj.被提名的,被任命的;
nominator[ˈnɔmineitə] n.提名者;任命者;
nominee[nɔmiˈni:] n.被提名者
相关短语nominate sb as...任命某人为……
nominate sb(for/as sth)提名某人
reconsider[ˌri:kənˈsidə] v.重新考虑;重新讨论
I sincerely hope that you can give me another chance and reconsider your decision.
同义词rethink[riˈθiŋk] v.重新考虑;
think twice重新考虑;
think over重新考虑
相关词reconsideration[ri:kənˌsidəˈreiʃən] n.再次审查;重新考虑
news[nju:z] n.消息;新闻;……报
Tell you good news that we've decided to hire you.
同义词tidings[ˈtaidiŋz] n.消息
相关词newsy[ˈnju:zi] adj.多新闻的;
newsboy[ˈnju:zbɔi] n.报童;送报人;
newsless[ˈnju:zlis] adj.没有新闻的;
newscaster[ˈnju:zkɑ:stə] n.新闻广播员;
newsmonger[ˈnju:zˌmʌŋgə] n.爱说闲话的人;
newsworthy[ˈnju:zˌwə:ði] adj.有新闻价值的
相关短语on the news在广播或电视新闻中
习语break the news to sb委婉地把坏消息告诉某人
谚语No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。
Bad news has wings.好事不出门,坏事传千里。
trial[ˈtraiəl] n.试用;试验;审讯
You need to work on trial for three months from now on.
相关词trial-manufacture[ˈtraiəlˌmænju:ˈfæktʃə] n.试制;
trial-produce[ˈtraiəlprəˈdju:s] v.试制
相关短语give a fair trial给予公正的、合法的审判;
make a trial of试验;较量
习语on trial在试验中;在测试中;
trials and tribulations烦躁和苦恼;
trial by fire凭火决狱;燃烧试验
谚语That trial is not fair where affection is the judge.
annual[ˈænjuəl] adj.每年的;年度的n.年刊;一年生植物
I want to know how much my annual salary is.
同义词yearly[ˈjə:li] adj.每年的
相关词annually[ˈænjuəli] adv.每年;年年
相关短语an annual income年收入;
an annual medical examination年度体检
start[stɑ:t] V.开始;出发;n.惊人的事;开始
Can you start working next Wednesday?
同义词set out开始
相关词start-up[ˈsta:tˌʌp] n.启动;创业;
start-stop[ˈsta:tˌstɔp] adj.启闭的;间歇的
相关短语at the very start当初;
awake with a start突然惊醒;
a rum start惊人事件
习语start a baby怀孕;
start from scratch从头开始进行(某事);
start something惹麻烦;闯祸;
to start with第一;首先;
by fits and starts一阵一阵地;间歇地
谚语Early start makes easy stages.早点动身,一路从容。
Clumsy birds have to start flying early.
letter[ˈletə] n.信;字母;V.写下;印刷
We will send you a letter then, if you are hired.
同义词epistle[iˈpisl] n.书信;
missive[ˈmisiv] n.书信;公函
相关词letterform[ˈletəˌfɔ:m] n.字体;信纸;
letterless[ˈletəlis] adj.无文字的;无信件的;
letterer[ˈletərə] n.文字书写员;文字雕刻员
相关短语in letter and in spirit从表面形式上和精神实质上;
take sth in the letter从字面意义上理解某事
习语to the letter严密周详地;一丝不苟地;
the letter of the law法律、规则等的字面意义;
a bread-and-butter letter感谢款待的信
谚语A smart coat is a good letter of introduction.
excellent[ˈeksələnt] adj.杰出的;优秀的
We believe you can be an excellent interpreter.
同义词fantabulous[fænˈtæbjuləs] adj.极出色的
相关词excellently[ˈeksələntli] adv.优秀地;超群地;
excellence[ˈeksələns] n.优秀;卓越;优点;
excellency[ˈeksələnsi] n.优点;美德;
excellent feature优点
part[pɑ:t] adj.部分的;n.部分;零件
You can do this part time job at your weekends.
反义词whole[həul] adj.全部的;整体的
相关词part-time[ˌpɑ:tˈtaim] adj.兼职的;部分时间的;
partial[ˈpɑ:ʃəl] adj.不完全的;部分的;
partially[ˈpɑ:ʃəli] adv.部分地;不公平地;
partiality[ˌpɑ:ʃiˈæliti] n.偏袒;偏心;
partly[ˈpɑ:tli] adv.在一定程度上;部分地
相关短语do one's part尽自己的职责;
have neither part nor lot in sth和某事一点关系也没有
习语the best part of sth(某事物)绝大部分;
in part在某种程度上;部分地;
take sth in good part对某事物往好处想;不计较;不介意;
part and parcel of可缺少的部分;
a man/woman of(many)parts多面手;多才多艺的人
commitment[kəˈmitmənt] n.献身;承诺
Being a doctor is a challenging profession that requires a lifelong commitment.
同义词consecration[ˌkɔnsiˈkreiʃən] n.奉献
How to Succeed in an Interview
1.Learn something about the company you are applying to, and collect the related information as much as possible. Keep it in your heart that one important key to success is thorough preparation.
2.Be self-confident and keep composure. Your confidence may give profound impression to the interviewer that you have the ability to overcome the possible difficulties in the future work, which will invisibly increase your likelihood for success.
3.Show your interest to the job. Professional interest which shows one's desire and interest to engage in the related work is one's attitude towards work and one's ability to adapt to it.
4.Keep your answers short. Remember to express yourself clearly. About one to three minutes is generally considered good.
5.Demonstrate your aptitude and skills and your knowledge about the job-related areas. Pay attention to highlighting your active personality and your ability to do things, but at the same time you need to seek truth from facts.
6.Be ready to consider the needs of the interviewer. You should treat yourself as a product, and the interviewer as a customer. If you want to sale goods, you must learn to consider the needs of your customer.
7.Remember to say "thank you" at the end of your answer, which shows your respect to the interviewer. Try your best to be modest and polite during the interview, because many enterprises attach a great deal of value to good manners.