The dove flew to the barn.
It saw a white cow.
The dove said, “Coo, coo!
See my pretty wings!
Don't you wish you had wings?
You could fly and fly and fly.”
The cow said, “Moo, moo!
I give milk to boys and girls.
Moo, moo! I don't want to fly! ”

The dove flew to the sheep.
It said, “Coo, coo!

Don't you wish you had wings?
You could fly and fly and fly.”
The sheep said, “Baa, baa!
I give wool to boys and girls.
The wool keeps them warm.
Baa, baa! I don't want to fly! ”
The dove flew to the horse.
It said, “Coo, coo!
Don't you wish you had wings?
You could fly and fly and fly.”
The horse said, “No, no!
I give rides to boys and girls.
No, no! I don't want to fly! ”

The dove flew to the hen.
It said, “Coo, coo!
Don't you wish you could fly away? ”
The hen said, “Cluck, cluck!
I give eggs to boys and girls.
I don't want to fly away.”

“Coo, coo! ”said the dove.
“Are you all happy? ”
The cow said, “Moo, moo! Yes, yes! ”
The sheep said, “Baa, baa! Yes, yes! ”
The hen said, “Cluck, cluck! Yes, yes! ”
The horse said, “Yes, yes! ”
The dove said,
“Coo, coo, coo!
I am happy, too.”
She flew to her nest.
(Harriet Warren)

Word list
dove: a white bird similar to a pigeon
coo: the sound that some birds make
wool: the soft covering of a sheep
You Practice
A) Answer the following questions.
1) Why was the dove so happy?
2) Why do you think the other animals didn't want to fly?
3) Which animal in the story would you most like to be? Why?
4) How many different animals does the dove talk to in the story?
5) What are three other farm animals that the dove could talk to?
B) What's the word? Write the correct words from the story.
1) an animal that gives milk: c _ _
2) a bird that lays eggs: h _ _
3) baby birds come out of these: e _ _ _
4) birds do this: f _ _
5) people can ride on this animal: h _ _ _ _
C) Yes or No? Read these sentences carefully, write Yes or No for each sentence.
1) _____ The cow wants to fly.
2) _____ All the animals lay eggs.
3) _____ All the animals are happy.
4) _____ The horse is learning how to fly.
5) _____ The animals all make different sounds.