5.Modeling monetary stabilization policy
Now, we are in a position to consider how we can study the effect of monetary stabilization policy by using the analytical framework of the model that was interpreted in section 4.Let us assume that the central bank controls the nominal rate of interest by means of the following feedback monetary policy rule, which is a kind of Taylor rule due to Taylor(1993).

We can interpret this policy rule as a kind of flexible inflation targeting rule, which considers both of the inflation targeting and the employment targeting. In this formulation, the nonnegative constraint of nominal rate of interest is explicitly considered.
It will be appropriate to replace the inflation expectation formation equation(7)in section 4 with the following new equation in case in which the central bank announces the target rate of inflation to the public.

This equation formalizes a mixed type of inflation expectation formation hypothesis, which means that the inflation expectation formation has both of the“forward looking”and“backward looking”elements.The parameterζis the weight of the“forward looking”element.We can interpret the value of the parameterζ as a measure of the credibility of the inflation targeting by the central bank.The more credible the inflation targeting, the larger will be the value ofζ.
We obtain the following relationships substituting the equation of price Phillips curve(6)into equations(9)and(10).

Equations(4)(i),(4)(ii),(11)and(12)consist of the following four dimensional system of nonlinear differential equations, whereρin equations(4)(i)and(4)(ii)is no longer constant.

The equilibrium solution(d*, y*, π*, ρ*)of this system such that

satisfies the following relationships.

We can see that the equilibrium value of each variable is independent of the parameter valuesβ1, β2, andζ.Examining the 4×4 Jacobian matrix of the system(13)at the equilibrium point, we can prove the following proposition.
Proposition 1.
(1)Suppose that all of the parameter values β1, β2, and ζ are sufficiently small(sufficiently close to 0).Then, the equilibrium point of the system(13)becomes locally unstable.
(2)Suppose thatβ1andβ2are sufficiently large andζis sufficiently close to 1.Then, the equilibrium point of the system(13)becomes locally stable.
(3)At the intermediate values of the parametersβ1, β2andζ, cyclical fluctuations around the equilibrium point occur.
This proposition means that the central bank's active monetary policy that is combined with the“credible”inflation targeting can“stabilize an unstable economy”even if the dynamics of private debt and capital are explicitly considered unlike the standard models of monetary policy.