

1. Read and choose.读海报,写出10月4日到7日打折商品的数量。

_____items are on sale on Oct.4th-7th.

Superstar Department Store

On sale 1st, Oct-10th, Oct

Good news! Many things are on sale in Superstar Department Store from 1st, Oct to 10th, Oct. For a bunch of roses, you need only ¥ 198. And a pair of jeans, only ¥ 98. The prices are really attractive and all you need is to choose the best and pay the lowest!

Original:¥ 73

1st-3rd, Oct:¥ 65

Original:¥ 5.4

2nd, Oct:¥ 4.1

Original:¥ 3.0

4th-7th, Oct:¥ 2

Original:¥ 9.8

8th-9th, Oct:¥ 7.6

Original:¥ 238

1st-3rd, Oct:¥ 198

Original:¥ 9.7

4th-7th, Oct:¥ 8

Original:¥ 2.5

1st-3rd, Oct:¥ 2.2

Original:¥ 2.7

4th-7th, Oct:¥ 2.3

Original:¥ 4.4

8th-9th, Oct:¥ 4

Original:¥ 3.9

1st-3rd, Oct:¥ 3.7

Original:¥ 128

10th, Oct:¥ 98

Original:¥ 130

10th, Oct:¥ 99

Original:¥ 150

8th-9th, Oct:¥ 135

Original:¥ 1,860

4th-7th, Oct:¥ 1,768

Original:¥ 2.1

8th-9th, Oct:¥ 1.7

Original:¥ 12

1st, Oct:¥ 10

All are unit prices.

27th, Sep,2016

2. Read and judge.再读海报,判断下列商品的降价信息是否正确。

1)Basketball is on sale on 9th, Oct. ( )

2)There are three items on sale on 10th, Oct. ( )

3)Oil is cheaper on 2nd, Oct. ( )

4)Cell phone is ¥ 1,860 from 1st, Oct to 3rd, Oct. ( )

5)Both banana and watermelon are on sale on 8th, Oct. ( )

3. Read and decide.根据海报信息填空,看看顾客哪天购物最划算。

1)Jack wants to buy some eggs; he can go to the Superstar Department Store on_____.

2)Zhang Hua wants to buy a pair of new shoes; he can go to the Superstar Department Store on_____.

3)Tom wants to buy a pair of new jeans; he can go to the Superstar Department Store on_____.

4)Bob wants to buy some flowers; he can go to the Superstar Department Store on_____.

5)Mary wants to buy some pears; she can go to the Superstar Department Store from_____to_____.


1. a bunch of roses一束玫瑰

2. a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤

