I.Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck’s Value Orientations
The classic value theory from the perspective of anthology was introduced by American anthropologists Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck.Kluckhohn defines values as a conception,explicit or implicit,which influences people’s modes,means,and ends of action.They regard cultural value orientations as complex but patterned principles which give order and direction to the ever-flowing stream of human acts and thoughts.Cultural value orientations form the basic lenses through which we view our own actions and the actions of others.In their schema,Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck claimed that there are five universal human problems,including human nature,man-nature relationship,time sense,activity,and social relations.
1.Human nature
Human nature means what is the basic nature of people and it includes three aspects:evil,mixed and good.
(1)Evil.Most people can’t be trusted initially.They are basically bad.Their nature is not easy to change,and thus they need to be controlled.
(2)Mixed.There are both evil people and good people in the basic world,and it is important to check people out to find out which they are.Evil people can be changed with the right guidance.
(3)Good.Most people are good at heart.They are born good.Therefore,controls of humans are unnecessary.
2.Man-Nature Relationship
It refers to what is the appropriate relationship between man and nature.There are three types of relationships:subordinate to nature,harmony with nature,and dominant over nature.
(1)Subordinate to nature.Life is largely determined by external forces,such as God,fate and genetics.What happens was meant to happen.
(2)Harmony with nature.Man should,in every way,live in harmony with nature.
(3)Dominant over nature.It is the great human challenge to conquer and control nature.
3.Time Sense
How can people think about time best ?
(1)Past.People should learn from history,draw the values they live by from history,and past goals are sufficient for humans to strive into the nature.
(2)Present.The present moment is everything,and goals should represent contemporary demands.Let’s make the most of it.Don’t worry about tomorrow and enjoy today.
(3)Future.Plans and goals directed towards the future make it possible for people to endeavour to accomplish miracles to change and grow.A sacrifice today will bring a better tomorrow.
What is people’s attitude towards activity?
(1)Being.Being who you are,not accomplishing,is most important;minimize work.
(2)Growing.Growing,becoming,or inner development,is most important.
(3)Doing.Doing what you are doing,accomplishment,and future is most important;maximize work.
5.Social Relations
What is social relation like?
(1)Hierarchy.Hierarchy means by rank or class,authoritarian decision making counts.
(2)Group.Group decision makes counts.
(3)Individual.Individual decision makes counts.
The above ideas are briefly concluded in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1 Five Value Orientation