Lesson One
Basic Words and Patterns 基本词汇和句型:
what is this(that)?这(那)是什么?
what are these(those)?这些(那些)是什么?
What is this?
——This is a mouse.
What is that?
——That is an electric fan.
(Substitutes替换词:electric heater,rice cooker,micro-oven,fridge,washer,air-conditioner,digital camera,MP3…).
What are these?
——These are mangos.(mango)
What are those?
——Those are potatoes.(potato)
broccoli-broccolis,eggplant-egg plants…)
What are these on the wall?
——These are pictures and photos.
What are those on the table?
——Those are computers,radios and telephones.
Notes to the text 课文注释:
mouse鼠标;keyboard键盘;computer电脑;laptop手提电脑;cellphone(mobile telephone)手机;printer打印机;photocopier复印机;sofa沙发;electric fan电扇;electric heater取暖器;rice cooker电饭煲;micro-oven微波炉;fridge电冰箱;washer洗衣机;air-conditioner空调;digital camera数码相机;MP3播放器;mango芒果;plum梅,李;lemon柠檬;papaya木瓜;grape葡萄;pineapple菠萝;guava番石榴;cherry车厘子(樱桃);longan龙眼;litchi荔枝;strawberry草莓;durian榴莲;persimmon柿子;pomelo柚子;potato土豆;tomato番茄;cucumber黄瓜;carrot胡萝卜;onion洋葱;cabbage卷心菜,甘蓝;peanut花生;chestnut核桃;cauliflower花椰菜;lettuce生菜;broccoli西兰花;eggplant茄子;picture照片,图画;photo相片;radio收音机;telephone电话
Grammar Points 语法提要:
陈述句:This is a washer.Those are laptops.
一般疑问句:Is this a washer?Are those laptops?
What is this?What are these?
Practice 练习
Oral Translation 口头汉译英:
这是什么?这是一个芒果。芒果是一种(a kind of)水果,芒果不大(not big),但是(but)它很香(fragrant)。芒果也(also)很甜(very sweet),我很喜欢吃芒果。
那是什么?那是一台洗衣机。洗衣机是我们日常生活中(in our daily life)很有用的机器(a useful machine)。我们用(to use)它来洗衣服(to wash clothes),因此(so),我们也叫(to call)它洗衣的机器(a washing machine)。
桌子上的这些是什么?这些是龙眼、木瓜、番石榴和柿子。它们都是水果,我喜欢吃水果。水果对我们的健康(health)有益(be good to)。我喜欢喝(to drink)水果汁(juice),我也喜欢吃水果蛋糕(fruit cakes)。
沙发(sofa)上的那些是什么?那些是手机和数码相机。手机和数码相机在我们的日常生活中都非常有用。我们用手机给朋友打电话(to make calls)。我们用数码相机照相(to take photos)。
注意:可参考下面的“背诵英语口语短文”来做上面的口头翻译。同时我们要注意,口头汉译英中所给出的英文单词前如果有“to”的,表明这个词是动词,如上面给出的:to use,to drink,to take photos,to wash clothes等.
Paragraphs Recitation 背诵英语口语短文:
What is this?This is a litchi.Litchi is a kind of fruit.It is very sweet.I like to eat litchi very much.I also like to drink litchi juice.
What is that?That is a notebook computer(笔记本电脑).It is a kind of computer.It is very small and very useful.We can carry it and use it everywhere.We often put it on top of our laps(大腿).So,we call it a laptop.
What is this?This is a durian.Durian is a kind of fruit.Durian has a very bad smell,but it is very sweet.Some people like it very much.Some people don't like it.because of its bad smell.But I like to eat durian.If you don't like the smell,you can use durian to make durian cakes.They are sweet and they have good smell,too.