In the last few hundred years, human has taken a lot from the earth, and the traditional economic growth model has led to energy crisis and environmental deterioration, affecting human's health and living environment in turn. If this continues, the economic growth will meet its limit, thus handicapping sustainable development of human society and world economy.
Since the 21stcentury, the sustainable development of human society and economy has been highly focused by all countries. The UN has taken the sustainable development of human society and economy, and its driving forces and paradigms as its main task and the focus of research.
The UN published Creative Economy Report in 2008,2010 and 2013 respectively(1.599 million words in total), which emphasized:“Nowadays, creative economy becomes to a strong revolutionary force. It has great potential for development”;“creative economy is a practical and viable way for development”.
UN's Creative Economy Report 2008 pointed out that the export volume of global creative industry had increased from 227.5 billion dollars in 1996 to 424.4 billion dollars in 2005, accounting for 3.4%of the total trade volume around the world, and its annual growth rate reached the unprecedented 8.7%. UN's Creative Economy Report in 2010 pointed out that the financial crisis in 2008 had caused a sharp decrease in global demand, with 12%of reduction in international trade volume, but the export volume of creative products and service industry was still booming, reaching 592 billion dollars. According to the report, creative industry has become one of the most dynamic industries in the world economy. The 2013 Creative Economics Report(Special)cited the statistics published by UNCTAD in May, 2013, which said that the trade volume of creative products and service reached a record high of 624 billion dollars in 2011, more than the double of that in 2002, and the average annual growth rate was 8.8%. On Dec. 3rd, 2015, UNESCO, International Federation of Associations of Authors and Composers and Ernst &Young issued a lasted report on cultural and creative industry, in which we can see that cultural and creative industry creates 2250 billion dollars of output value every year. So, we can conclude from those reports that creative economy has had significant accomplishments in improving technological innovation, increasing job opportunities, bringing economic value, etc. In conclusion, it has become a great driving force for the sustainable development of human society and economy.
Unfortunately, even though human society and creative economy have developed to a certain level, we don't have a theoretical system of creative economy. Now, the theoretical system of world economics has more than 100 subdisciplines, but doesn't contain creative economics, and not one of the universities around the world has an official discipline called creative economics. Today, creative economy is tumbling forward without the guidance of theories. So, the establishment of creative economics' theoretical system is desperately needed, in order to lead the world creative economy to faster, healthier and more comprehensive development.
Since 2000, I have been paying attention to creative economy and doing related research, thus beginning the long path towards the establishment of creative economics' theoretical system. After more than a decade's research, I summarized my findings and published Creative Economics in 2012, which mainly states the basic concepts and theoretical system of creative economics. Then, I worked with Peking University, and Tsinghua University' training institutions to establish“Creative Economics School”, in order to examine the practicability of creative economics' theories, providing lessons on creative economics'theories and its applications to entrepreneurs from all over the country. At the same time, theories can be connected to the reality, so we let them discover the practices in products, companies, and cities of creative economy, thus examining the practicability of creative economics' theories in practice. The fruitful results of creative economics' practice have been achieved in the past few years.
On this basis, I deeply studied and improved the results of creative economics'theories applied in reality, and published Creative Economy+ in 2016. This book mainly states the results and great influence of adding the theories and methods of creative economics into products, companies, industries and economic fields. Besides, I connected theories with practice, and conclude that:
Creative economy+new technologies+N products=N innovative products;
Creative economy+Internet+N products=N innovative industries;
Creative economy+urban and rural areas+special resources=innovative cities;
Creative economy+common entrepreneurship+mass innovation=innovative countries.
After publishing, Creative Economics and Creative Economy+ have gained attention from related fields both nationally and internationally. Because of my proposal, I worked with concerning authorities, and held“The First Seminar on Creative Economics in Beijing”In 2013,“The First Global Seminar on Creative Economics”in 2014, and“The Second Seminar on Creative Economics in Beijing”in 2016. The theoretical system of creative economics set by myself and its results after being applied into practice were agreed and approved by foreign and national scholars, professors, and experts present.
In order to go global and strengthen the communication with the rest of the world, and with the support of Chinese Embassy in Ireland, related institutions in Ireland and I jointly started China-Europe Creative Economy Research Center, and hired foreign and Chinese senior scholars and experts as our researchers to dig into the creative economics' theories together.
Based on the needs of human society and creative economics' current global development, and the needs of establishment of creative economics' theoretical system to complete the one of world economics, and also strongly driven by sense of social responsibility and sense of mission, I re-summarized and lucubrated into the results of creative economics' theoretical system I have researched since 2000, to raise the academic height and add practical contents; meanwhile, I connect the academic theories with practice, thus improving both academic and ap plication value. Then I published two volumes on creative economics'theoretical system-The Principles of Creative Economics and The Application of Creative Economics.
The Principles of Creative Economics is mainly about: the background of creativeeconomics discipline's establishment; the basic principles of creative economics;the growth theory of creative economics; the principles of human brains' natural thinking; the principles of human brains' creative thinking; the principles of the transformation from natural thinking to creative thinking; the principles of the transformation from creative thinking to creative economy; the principles of the transformation from creative economy to economic value. Especially, I set a model for the creative economics' principles and the S-shape growth curve of creative economics.
The Application of Creative Economics is mainly about: the application methods of creative economics; the application of creative economics in natural science;the application of creative economy in social science; the application of creative economy in interdisciplinary science; the application of creative economy in creating innovation and entrepreneurship; the application of creative economy in society's future development. Especially, I set the application model of creative economy+and VU curve for the application of creative economics.
Meanwhile, what I also concluded in this book was the practical results of my applying creative economics' principles into products, companies, and industries of creative economy. This is how I prove the practicality, popularity and value of creative economics with the fact.
The Principles of Creative Economics is about the basic principles of the innovation and creation of creative economy's transformation.
The Application of Creative Economics is about the applied science of innovation and entrepreneurship turning into economic value.
From macroeconomic perspective, creative economics'theories can improve the sustainable development of human society and economy. From microeconomic perspective, it can promote the development of the ideas, creations, and innovations of regions, industries, companies and individuals. So, creative economics is economics of popularity, which can be learned and applied by from na tional institutions to common citizens.
Everyone in this world has their own thinking, but the key question is how can thinking turn into ideas that agree to the objective laws, and how these ideas turn into creative economy and economic value. This is a very complicated and advanced question. In result, in researching and writing, especially in designing the theoretical and application models, I tried hard to make complicated questions easier, and make advanced theories easier to understand, to make them more popular for learning and applying.
Modern theoretical systems of economics and its sub-disciplines are almost all established by western economists, so Chinese economists have to be academically self-confident, self-innovative and self-reinforcing to establish theoretical systems for creative economics and other economics'sub-disciplines through discovering and studying.
This book uses creative economics'academic theories and economic models, as well as plenty of classic cases from inside and outside the country in history, to explain that creative economy is the driving force for the development of human society and world economy. So, the establishment of the theoretical system of creative economics will benefit a lot to sustainable development of every country's economy, the booming of new industries and businesses, the upgrade and technological innovation of a company, and the transformation from individuals'ideas and innovations to creative economy. The discovery and disciplinary building of creative economics' theoretical system is not only a task belonging to China, but also a task belonging to the world. So, Chinese and foreign economists should work hard together on this task. My books, The Principles of Creative Economics and The Application of Creative Economics, are just the foundation of the theoretical system of creative economics. I hope that I can communicate with, learn from and cooperate with international and national scholars, and make joint efforts to establish the theoretical system of creative economics and promote this discipline's building, then ultimately provide theoretical support and make contributions to the sustainable development of human society and world economy.
During the human society's tens of thousands of years of development, the standing point of creative economy's growth has been to be on earth, embrace earth, take earth's resources. In the future development of human society, the standing point of creative economy's growth should be to be on earth, embrace the universe, and share universe's space resources.
The space on earth is limited, but that in the universe is not; the resources on earth are limited, but those in the universe are not.
Modern technologies are limited, but human's creativity is not; creative economy is unlimited, and everything is possible!
As creative economy is driving the sustainable development of human society and world economy, human society will be much better!
Wang Tiejun
Oct. 28th,2017
(My Email account: 3093089609@qq.com. I'm open to academic communications.)