Started from the 2009 Youth Project which was funded by the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education(NO.09YJC910003), the study of this achievement has made gradual progress through the efforts of past several years. In the year of 2012, the report of the achievement was submitted to National Social Science Fund Committee, and received financial aid from National Social Science Fund, and listed in the 2012‘Achievement Library of National Philosophy and Social Science'.
This book is committed to research problems in the realm of world economic statistics and its localization. The basic idea is that analyzes new trends in international research, looks for the gap of China, and probes the enlightenment to China. In the light of the basic idea, the concrete method is that, firstly, determines the key problems to be studied in the field of world economic statistics according to the rules that new directions it possess and imperfection development in China. Among that, two aspects were mainly taken into consideration—the frontier of each theme in international research and its current domestic conditions;Secondly, probes deeply into the new directions of the selected themes in international research, and emphasize on the contents and evaluation of the newest references; thirdly, probes deeply into the current domestic conditions of the selected themes, emphasizing on reflecting the progressive situations of their practical work and research, and clearly indentify the problems they faced in China; Lastly, makes contrastive analysis of the selected themes in term of their international and domestic conditions, especially placing emphasis on the improvement strategy and concrete methods of the practice and research in China.
In the field of world economic statistics, the weakest part of China is the standard classification and special project statistics, so this achievement attached great importance to the research of two main parts including Part A and Part B. Part A shows new trends of the international standard classification and its enlightenment for China; Part B mainly states the international new trends of the world special project statistics study and its enlightenment for China.
Part A, New trends of the international standard classification and its enlightenment for China.
Standard classification can be seen as bedrock to make international statistical data comparable, which directly influences the effects of government statistical work. This achievement focuses on three typical international standard classifications, which respectively responds to three conditions in the study of standard classification in China.(1)Standard classification which China has already renewed but still face a relatively large difference. Mainly studied ‘New trends of the international standard industrial classification and its enlightenment for China'.(2)Standard classification which China has not yet renewed in time. The study mainly studied ‘The international new trends of the Central Product Classification study and its enlightenment for China'.(3)Standard classification which China has a quite large difference with the international standard. Mainly studied‘The new trends of International Standard Classification of Occupations and its enlightenment for China'.
Part B, The international new trends of the world special project statistics study and its enlightenment for China. There is an evident gap in the realm of special project statistics domestically and internationally. According to the actual conditions like whether they have been carried out or the level of implementation of china's relevant special project statistics, this achievement focused on the contents of three aspects.(1)Special project statistics emphasizing on the international and domestic differences, and which have been carried out; mainly studied ‘New research progress on IIP and its enlightenment for China'.(2)Special project statistics emphasizing on implementing difficult and key points research, which have not yet been carried out in practice but made some progress in research. This achievement focused on ‘The international new trends of the output accounting on medical industry and its enlightenment for China'.(3)Special project statistics emphasizing on implementing new international trends research, which have not yet been carried out in practice and made little progress in research. This achievement focused on ‘The international new trends of the national wealth accounting and its enlightenment for China'.
Besides my efforts and work, I want to thank the tremendous support from two Doctor Students. One is Doc. Liu Yuan(Chapter 6,7), and the other is Doc. Ai Weiqiang(Chapter 5). In addition, I am really grateful for the my postgraduates who had worked hard for this achievement; they are Liu Lijie, Yao Fangbin, Li Xian, Chen Yanfang, Lu Qianqian, Zhang Yijuan, Xiao Lili, Zheng Tian.
To some extent, this book, which is a periodical conclusion of recent research achievements over the past few years, is not an ending point, but a starting point which inspires many more research themes. I hope that many more researchers, readers or even outsiders who are interested in this area can join with me to discuss the realm of world economic statistics, and it is the primary prime drive of accomplishing the book.
What is inevitable is that there might be slips and mistakes, and I respect any criticism and corrections of the book.