第4章 Abstract
Being one of the great works of Chinese traditional culture, the Book of Changes plays a very important role in it. In the period of Han Dynasty, when Confucianism and classics were highly respected, The Book of Changes, together with the Book of Poetry, The Book of Documents, The Records of Ritesand The Spring and Autumn Annals were called "Five classics", and set as the official study by the government, which constituted the main body of culture in Han Dynasty. The study of the Book of Change took two forms of study of yili as well as that of xiangshu. These two branches brought profound effect on both politics and culture of that dynasty. This dissertation mainly focuses upon the functioning of the study of the Book of Change during the process of Han Dynasty cultural reconstructing and the effect it imposed on politics operation.
The dissertation contains four chapters. The first chapter mainly talks about, in the beginning of Han Dynasty, the reconstructing of politics and culture; and the influence which had been brought to them by the study of the Book of Change. The founding of Han Dynasty was on the basis of collapse of Qin Dynasty. Neither political tradition nor the cultural one did it have. Therefore the two great tasks of reconstructing them were left to Han's government besides the economy restoring. Comparing to that of the latter one, the former tasks were both complicated and protracted. Lu Jia, Jia Yi and Liu An were all active initiators and participants in respect of culture reconstructing. From their works, significance of study of Yi in the building job could be easily seen. The theory of "honorable heaven, humble earth;the whole world settled" in the study of the Book of Change was the important theory basis on ethic and morality in the process of culture reconstructing. "The born supernatural being, sage then regulates it; World varies, sage follows it; Heaven drops the signs, showing fortunate and premonition, sage determines it" was then becoming the important theory basis of the study of "between human and heaven" in Han Dynasty. The second chapter mainly concerns the effect which was given to Emperor Hanwudi's governing period on politics, thoughts and culture from study of Yi. Han Dynasty' politics saw the turning point at Emperor Hanjingdi's period, for the problems of feudal dukes had been basically settled, so as the problems of adaptation between the powers of emperor and prime minister. In Emperor Hanwudi's ruling period, the Emperor established the unique honorable position for Confucianism, which went back to the guideline designed by Lu Jia at the former time, this was a decision in culture; in politics, its route returned to county system having the nature of Centralism monarchy created by Qin Empire.
Generally, the study of the Book of Change influenced politics and culture in Emperor Hanwudi's ruling period from the following aspects:Firstly, the theory of "honorable heaven, humble earth" and "yin and yang" provided Dong Zhongshu with theories to communicate Confucianism and Legalist school thought, therefore developed "three obedience" of Hanfeizi to "the three cardinal guides", and these theories then became the essence in political ethic of Han Dynasty and all dynasties coming after;Secondly, the study of the Book of Change offered Dong Zhongshu's theory of "heaven and human becoming one" with important theoretical basis and ideological resource; Thirdly, the study of the Book of Change's changing and reforming theories furnished Emperor Hanwudi's government with theoretical basis on the turning of policy; Fourthly, study of Yi's the modest traditions had huge impact on molding the officials' characters at that time, it was also a useful supplement to Gongyang ch'unch'iu. Chapter three discusses study of xiangshu'rising and its influences upon the ruling period of the four Emperors of Hanyuandi, chengdi, aidi and pingdi. With the developing to it by Meng Xi, JiaoYanshou and Jing Fang, study of Xiangshu gradually formed into a well established system and began to combine with politics. Through illustrating "heaven' will", it aimed at involving politics and rectifying malady. It functioned prominently at exploring a channel for those intelligentsias who wanted to participate in politics. The establishment of study of classics set tao-tung(line of continuity with the tao)as truth system outside the political power; while study of Xiangshu fostered another authority—"heaven's will" inside it, which went together with the former one became the theoretical tools to participate in politics for intelligentsias and even civilian. This restricted monarchic power to a certain degree and at the same time had some influence at policy making of Han Dynasty as well. Chapter four and Chapter five studies the effect which was given to East Han Dynasty on politics, thoughts and culture from study of Yi. Comparing to West Han Dynasty, East Han Dynasty had no tough task of reconstruction, for it inherited the West Han Dynasty's traditions on both politics and culture. Baihuguan Conference was a cultural reunion charged by Emperor Hanzhangdi of East Han Dynasty. This conference, which not only produced Baihutongyi which possessed quality of "national charter", but ended the cultural recon structuring movement initiated by Lu Jia from the early years of West Han Dynasty, symbolized the accomplishment of East Han Dynasty's official culture. The study of the Book of Change had engendered far-reaching effect toward East Han Dynasty's cultural charter—Baihutongyi. It was significant theoretical basis for Baihutongyi to have academic thinking integrating, which related many areas such as history, humanities, system, concepts content, astronomical phenomena, ethic norms, etc. As far as politics was concerned, being one important component of East Han Dynasty's official study, the study if Yili also played important role. It consisted one of necessary theoretical basis in East Han Dynasty's making policies. The study of xiangshu, especially JingFang's study developed further, it had great influence on selecting of talents, administration, election and judicature, etc of East Han Dynasty. Both of these two branches of study of Yi had become intelligentsias' political theoretical tool to participate politics.
On the whole, the study of the Book of Change had extensive influence toward Han Dynasties politics. From macroscopic viewpoint, as the leading theoretical resource of building tao-tung(line of continuity with the tao)and "heaven's will", the study of the Book of Change changed Qin Empire's political operating system through starting a passage for intelligentsias to participate politics. From microcosmic viewpoint, the study of the Book of Change influenced on political thinking, ethic and policy making these areas profoundly in Han Dynasties.
Key words: the study of the Book of Changes; tao-tung(line of continuity with the tao); between human and heaven; politics culture;politics operating system